Interesting move Mike. I would be interested where the MSB sits (how far above) v the Formula fed by USB/SPDIF.
Digital seems to be going in 2 directions, many discrete R-2R DACs from China at 2.5K or less, a cluster of good discrete DACs up to 10K roughly (Aqua, TotalDAC, Lampi Big 7) then a 'middle ground of big hitters (dCS, MSB V, CH Precision) and 'oldies' oddballs like Zanden and Audio Note. Middle ground as in 20K to 40K USD, still insane money for a DAC but it seems that is now the new middle.
The top tier right now seems to be the Select DAC and Kassandre. Oddly both those DACs haven't got so many reviews or feedback yet, probably as the price is so high and that market is small (lucky few).
I am unsure where I sit in this digital space. I think my personal comfort zone would be 20K USD max, so Lampizator GG, Formula, TotalDAC 6, Audio Note DAC 5. I did demo the CH Precision last year and came away uninspired by it. I demoed the C1 on it's own, as knew I would never get into the X1 PS and D1 transport to 'max' it out.
I think MSB offer to update the Select for life? It needs to be so really, for the price. There are so many digital 'dinosaurs' left in the last few years, and prices falling off a cliff.
Crazy hobby guys, but as we know, the enjoyment is immense and the last bit of quality, connection to the music is to the true audiophile so important. And when we get there it is heaven. I am very content with my 'old school' Audio Note DAC 5, it does so many things right, and it has zero fatigue, regularly listening for 6 hours a day.
Looking forward to your review Mike, and congratulations on the MSB Select II.