I guess we need more folk to come in and do other comparisons. That will happen over time I would guess. But top respect to Mike for his detailed appraisals so far.
One of the issues with high end DACs, or any high end gear into these lofty (insane?) price brackets, is you tend to hear them at shows in various systems and none optimised rooms (often a compromise rental suite at a hotel), and with unfamiliar music. There are few dealers who carry the top contenders in-site. This means we are asking each other opinions, but we would ideally want to do those ourselves with our own ears.
The Lampizator and TotalDAC buying offer is a good idea IMO, where you 'buy' the DAC, and have some days to decide if you want to keep it. This gets around an awkward impasse with this niche hobby. Those two manufacturers sell direct, so others that don't do that have to rely on dealer demo's, or buyers who are prepared to buy cold. In this price range that is a rare thing. Also dealer demo's are difficult if they don't carry the DACs you want to compare to each other....
I was at Can-Jam in London, and although different gear is interesting as I got to hear the Stax 009s, LCD 4s and Focal Utopia within 5 minutes of each other and using my same cluster of tracks. It was brilliant, a really great way to 'hot' compare gear, and gave me the info I was after. Advice on forums is a nice part of that journey, but the cheque book time is a real life demo or try out for real IMO v other alternatives.
I have buddies who do the 'try and sell' route with used gear. That can go on for years in some cases. It is addictive for sure. I read posts where I became convinced I was missing something, or it is a must have add on box or different DAC. In many cases it may be a sideways step or a micro step up, but a step that costs thousands to get it. This can lead into IMO a feeling others have got there, and I have to get there as well. I can't enjoy music without it. Possibly, probably not, but I enjoy my system so much already.
It is fascinating all this, but I am not selling the Grandmas' house to get there. You get my drift. It is a hobby, not life support.