Three different brands of subwoofer will be tuned differently, which seems to me to aid an abet a random pattern of dispersion overall.
Dr. Geddes approach makes sense to me for some reason.
However, making sense to me does not mean that the approach is 1. sensible 2. correct 3. scientific beyond Dr. Geddes own measurements and expertise 4. the only way to skin the cat etc. etc.
It just makes me feel better doing it and has nothing to do with common sense or reality otherwise.
Sorry, long post
The approach is
It should be clear for most audiophiles that the best position for imaging/staging seldom coincides that for best bass reproduction in most if not ALL rooms. Audiophiles have accepted the compromise. We place the speakers were the compromise is most acceptable. We already know it is a compromise but one until subs, for which there were no resolution. That is how the vast majority of Audiophile systems are set. Of course there are special cases of mains with powered subs with some degree of adjustability. I have yet to se one with Parametric EQ but I digress. This is a better compromise as the bass can be adjusted
to a certain extent The position in the room dictates the distribution of nodes and if there is a null well there is NO WAY to take care of it by EQ. You can only move the whole speaker in which case you lose the best spot for imaging or/bass. So let’s be clear that a powered mains subs is also a compromise, maybe a better one, it remains one nonetheless.
2. Correct
From the above it is clear that one must place the mains where they play the best… and position the bass modules where they provide the optimum bass. So that is a call for subwoofer. Notice no plural yet. Now studies by the Harman Group specifically by Welti and Devandier have shown that the best bass possible is obtained through the use of multiple subwoofers. Their model was based on symmetrical placement and proven to work … This is the correct approach, the one with the least compromises.
3. Scientific
See above. The Geddes approach is based on the randomization of LF sources which creates a more uniform and random distribution of nodes in the room. The more LF the better. One reason this approach works so well with full range speakers. The math behind is not entirely known to me. Geddes has not written a through paper on the subject but there is solid math behind it. Plus the works of Harman to back it
4. This is likely not the only to skin the cat. Harman works are a case in point. One could also build the perfect room but throwing serious amount of acoustic treatment to solve the problem and indeed Acoustic treatment is ALWAYS needed but …
Now about similar subwoofers. The approach works well with any combination. Using the exact same woofer everywhere would likely make little difference. It is my experience and that of others that the third subs is solicitated very little; in my set-up was barely audible even playing by itself. Yet its effect was unmistakable audibly and on measurements... So that calls for a lesser sub… One can be anal and use the same brand but it seems to me that the subs behind the mains is the one that has to be potent, the second can be a lesser model and the third truly a small sub
Audiophiles will come to use that approach more and more. The myths will fall just like more and more audiophiles are using their PC as music sources and with great results … You are on the right path. Persist, measure, the benefits are everywhere in the spectrum … This is the weird thing... Better bass reproduction translates into better midrange... All music benefit from better bass, yes, even vocals and small scale chamber music...
Another thing that remains mysterious to me is the scale and size of music. With big speakers well the soundstage remains that of a a large speaker ..with small speakers, especially the "mini-monitors" their character of smallness doesn't change despite the better, more integrated and extended bass response .. Very interesting...