Hello to Everyone!
We from Kroma Audio speaker manufacture from Spain would like to invite the WBF members to our room in Hifideluxe.
We will premier the new Flagship Turandot together with Gryphon Apex Power amp, Commander preamp plus Wadax Reference Dac. Also premier of RMD Audio Reference Tape Preamp and Reference phono preamp.
The smallest system will premier smaller Kroma speaker with Viola Audio Labs.
After two years without shows will be a great pleasure to share our work with all of you.
The oMA room will feature the K3 TT with the new Special K amp and debuting the Ne “museum” speakers. Will also have the new K5 on static display. The DeVilles may make it into the system also. Will have a CAD digital system for cartridge changes and when needed. Analysis Plus cables and Equipment-Tech power will also be in the room.
ALSYVOX will premier RAFFAELLO in room E228 Atrium 4.2. Raffaello is a 3 way symmetrical ribbon planar speaker (double midrange and double woofer) with 97 db sensitivity. The system on demo will be: TAIKO AUDIO extreme server with DA converter, JADIS JPS2/JA80-MKII pre/power combo.
Hello to Everyone!
We from Kroma Audio speaker manufacture from Spain would like to invite the WBF members to our room in Hifideluxe.
We will premier the new Flagship Turandot together with Gryphon Apex Power amp, Commander preamp plus Wadax Reference Dac. Also premier of RMD Audio Reference Tape Preamp and Reference phono preamp.
The smallest system will premier smaller Kroma speaker with Viola Audio Labs.
After two years without shows will be a great pleasure to share our work with all of you.
I ll do a show report every evening ,..... just before i empty some horns in the city
If i really like something i ll make a vid .
If i dont mention anything it doesnt mean its bad , its just not my thing , i ll try to make a Diptyque vid
I ll do a show report every evening ,..... just before i empty some horns in the city
If i really like something i ll make a vid .
If i dont mention anything it doesnt mean its bad , its just not my thing , i ll try to make a Diptyque vid
Don't have my pictures organized but I can tell you that the show has been more crowded than many expected for a Press/Industry day especially since there are 2 this year. Haven't had time to do much listening as I have been working in the OMA room. If you are coming during the next 3 days, stop by and say hello. I will hopefully get some photos organized to post soon.
Don't have my pictures organized but I can tell you that the show has been more crowded than many expected for a Press/Industry day especially since there are 2 this year. Haven't had time to do much listening as I have been working in the OMA room. If you are coming during the next 3 days, stop by and say hello. I will hopefully get some photos organized to post soon.
The OMA room at the 2022 Munich Show has on active display;
K3 TT with Schroder SLM tonearm and PhaseMation PP-2000 cartridge
Custom K3 stand with Consolidated Audio Step-up transformer
OMA PD2 Phono Stage (premier)
Special K Integrate Amplifier (premier)
The Museum Loudspeakers (premier)
Fleetwood Sound Company Deville SQ Loudspeakers (appointment listening)
Equi=Tech 2QRE Balanced Power Supply
Analysis Plus Silver Apex Cable and Power Cord Loom
OMA Racks Sound Treatments
Will go see those today. So far, highlight is the new Aries Cerat Speaker, Aurora, and new triode/FET integrated amp, Aperio. Living Voice didn’t bring their big system this year but the newest Avatar model (RW4 I think) was very musical. Alsyvox was ok but not as good as past shows. Western Electric introduced a new amp and speaker with rather unique mid and high drivers…pretty cool and interesting potential. Cessaro had their new small model with a sub and it sounded lively with good resolution. Magico with Soulution was soulless. Magico with Pillium not much better.