Munich HighEnd 2024

My heart goes out to the Aries Cerat guys. They are getting roasted for showing their massive reference system at a show. I was not there so I don't know how it sounded. Most reports indicate that is was not so great. But I have to hand it to them for putting it out there and at least trying. That system is HUGE. Unless you have setup systems at a show you have no idea of the effort that took. The thought of me moving and setting up a pair of trios at a show makes my stomach turn over and they are comparatively small. It is extremely hard to get a high level of performance from a speaker/system in a day. And the bigger the system the more days it would take.

At that price point I doubt anyone is going to make the buying decision at the show. For those really interested they would likely travel to the showroom to hear them is a more dialed in setup.
Ummm...not really. In fact the James Webb is teaching us that we didn't know very much.
And we got to the James Webb system via "exuberant mediocrity"? This whole back and forth seems nonsensical...
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My heart goes out to the Aries Cerat guys. They are getting roasted for showing their massive reference system at a show. I was not there so I don't know how it sounded. Most reports indicate that is was not so great. But I have to hand it to them for putting it out there and at least trying. That system is HUGE. Unless you have setup systems at a show you have no idea of the effort that took. The thought of me moving and setting up a pair of trios at a show makes my stomach turn over and they are comparatively small. It is extremely hard to get a high level of performance from a speaker/system in a day. And the bigger the system the more days it would take.

At that price point I doubt anyone is going to make the buying decision at the show. For those really interested they would likely travel to the showroom to hear them is a more dialed in setup.
I agree: it's a (calculable) risk and the courage to take that risk deserves respect.

However, the ignorant masses seem to be gripped by the adage 'you never get a second chance to make a first impression'.

Bearing in mind my previous comment: as a manufacturer I would opt for a setup that, even in moderate or bad (room) conditions, still reflects the brand's philosophy at a minimum/basic level.
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First, you don't write with your "real name" either, which is Michael Kromschröder:

Second, you don't disclose your industry affiliation (mandatory on WBF), which is: :D

As I can see from your website, you are an Aries Cerat dealer, so you have an agenda.

Third, I don't like the threatening mafioso undertone of your post:
"why don't you write with your *real name* and we can have a discussion about what you experienced.
Give me a call"

Seriously, Michael?

So, why don't you answer your own question for yourself:
"Are you a business professional? Or an end user?"


PS: By the way, Marty is an end user. You would know that were you a frequent participant on this forum, rather than just jumping in when it's in your "business interest".
He was going to challenge Marty to an audiophile duel? That was my first thought:D:D
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Every single exhibitor at a show takes a calculated risk. Every one pays the price and everyone does the work. There are no participation trophys sorry! when you book these events you hopefully have a plan to send your gear, book flights and hotels, bring and pay for staff and go in the space and set up the system. In MOC that starts on Monday which is longer than many shows especially here in the US.
When the room opens and you play music, you the room participants are endorsing what you are putting out into the world .
Did these companies think their stuff was terrible and yet still presented it?

We have all failed and that's what makes us try harder to do it better. You can get all the second chances you want all you need to do is sign up and participate.
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Which ignorant masses?
Very briefly: People without fundamental embedding, who are sensitive to superficial 'appearance' and the delusions of the day.

This group is much larger than one might suspect and is not (necessarily) related to educational level or prosperity.
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Jeder in seine neutrale Ecke, ähnlich wie beim Boxen haben wir bei der WBF Regeln, die eingehalten werden müssen. So sehr wir uns auch bemühen - und es ist eine Herausforderung - wir tun unser Bestes, um höflich zu sein.
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I agree: it's a (calculable) risk and the courage to take that risk deserves respect.

However, the ignorant masses seem to be gripped by the adage 'you never get a second chance to make a first impression'.

Bearing in mind my previous comment: as a manufacturer I would opt for a setup that, even in moderate or bad (room) conditions, still reflects the brand's philosophy at a minimum/basic level.
You are making the assumption that the nay sayers are right…and AC has made many past good impressions…this is not their first outing in Munich or elsewhere. There are many Yah sayers as well in the reviews of the show. As I said, for whatever reason this year’s setup was particularly polarizing. Was it the size? The cost? The need to have heard it once better dialed in? Hard to say.
I was at the Munich hifi show last week. The Aries Cerat room, especially once it was set up properly and fine tuned in that awkward room, was by far the best room in the show. Nothing even came close.

Fast and tuneful bass. Natural timbre. Huge sound stage. Dynamics to die for. Fully integrated sound. Yes you had to sit in the right spot or close by. And you must be objective (not biased to kill a brand for subjective reasons).

It was a celebration of what can be achieved by a passionate, and committed engineering genius that is Stavros Danos. We should all be congratulating humans who are able to push the boundaries of hifi and are able to reproduce live classical orchestras in a way that was previously thought not possible.
Aries cerat sounded much better then Nagra / Stenheim and many high dollar others.
It has capabilities but integration was lacking, but this system is big and not so easy to set up .
If you get this within roughly +- 3 db and in phase its gomna be top notch indeed
I was at the Munich hifi show last week. The Aries Cerat room, especially once it was set up properly and fine tuned in that awkward room, was by far the best room in the show. Nothing even came close.

Fast and tuneful bass. Natural timbre. Huge sound stage. Dynamics to die for. Fully integrated sound. Yes you had to sit in the right spot or close by. And you must be objective (not biased to kill a brand for subjective reasons).

It was a celebration of what can be achieved by a passionate, and committed engineering genius that is Stavros Danos. We should all be congratulating humans who are able to push the boundaries of hifi and are able to reproduce live classical orchestras in a way that was previously thought not possible.
And another AC sleeper cell going active, with only a few WBF posts history, all about AC ! Sometimes it is just to obvious :rolleyes:
And another AC sleeper cell going active, with only a few WBF posts history, all about AC ! Sometimes it is just to obvious :rolleyes:
And from Cyprus nonetheless.
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