Can you tell us how the subs were set-up? Are the WAMMs run full range and the the subs run in parallel with a second amp crossing in below X Hz using their crossover? If so, how do they allow for time alignment using a set-up such as that?
Also, did they go all D'Agostino or do they still use the VTL 7.5III preamp?
I think a D'Agostino preampFrancisco,
Can you tell us how the subs were set-up? Are the WAMMs run full range and the the subs run in parallel with a second amp crossing in below X Hz using their crossover? If so, how do they allow for time alignment using a set-up such as that?
Also, did they go all D'Agostino or do they still use the VTL 7.5III preamp?
I hope the video above did not sound anything remotely like they did in reality
BTW, IM not big on you tube videos of music but having said that I thought the opera piece starting around 12 minute mark was remarkable
Ah yes Peter McGrath--he is quite a character and indeed a gentleman --he made me ( and some other attendees ) smile
at his demo "launch"some years back of the Slamm X-I's at his then Florida Coral Gables setup.
His intro monologue assured us we were about the hear the dynamic scale and full sonic capabilities of the new largest Wilson Speaker.
Anticipation abounded to what musical powerhouse performance we were about to experience ?
He played us Christy Moore "King Puck"!
I always recall with a chuckle
Good Times
Oh yes I placed and order for set of X-1's soon after
Bruce D
A know aspect of Peter McGrath is his activity as a recording engineer - I have a few recordings that have been overplayed before I noticed that he engineered them. The most often referred are the Vivaldi flute concertos with Janet See and Nicholas McGegan, Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, but the list is long - see .
Unfortunately I forgot to carry this recording to the WAMM listening!
In the second paragraph it sounds like they used the Momentum pre-amp. He doesn't indicate whether it was the original or the newer HD version.Francisco,
Also, did they go all D'Agostino or do they still use the VTL 7.5III preamp?
In the second paragraph it sounds like they used the Momentum pre-amp. He doesn't indicate whether it was the original or the newer HD version.
A very nice article of Alan Sircom about the Lisbon recital of the WAMMs
Quoting from it:
"It’s sort of… well, everything. It’s like there is so little impediment between you and the music that you effectively insert yourself into that musical space inside your head and hear something like the Platonic form of recorded music. Reading that back, it sounds like hyperbole and pseudo-intellectual psychobabble; but it’s the nearest I can get to explaining what it sounds like. And maybe 100 people who were in Lisbon this weekend are nodding along in agreement. "
Being one of the 100 people I can only agree. Fortunately Ron also listened to them, otherwise the hyperbole police would immediately show in this thread!
Francisco, this is in stark contrast to the recent and popular WBF threads and opinions that Wilson and Magico, specifically, and cones in boxes in general, simply can't reproduce music as convincingly as good planars and horns can. It seems clear that for some music lovers, they can. The AF0/WAMM demo in CA seemed to also be extremely convincing for those who heard it and reported about the experience.
It is interesting that all but one WAMM system include the subs. Thanks for sharing your impressions.
WBF threads only express the preferences of a few enthusiast audiophiles. It is great to know about the good things of horns, but unfortunately some of them can not resist systematically showing their frustration with the success of some brands.
Jim - At AXPONA, Larry’s Paragon team featured the new Momentum HD Pre with the Relentless amps and the Wilson Alexx’s. I spent some time discussing the new HD with Bill McKiegan of D’Agostino. It sounded terrific.
PS - I realize this was a different presentation but was addressing Jim’s question about the HD.
Francisco, this is in stark contrast to the recent and popular WBF threads and opinions that Wilson and Magico, specifically, and cones in boxes in general, simply can't reproduce music as convincingly as good planars and horns can. It seems clear that for some music lovers, they can. The AF0/WAMM demo in CA seemed to also be extremely convincing for those who heard it and reported about the experience.
It is interesting that all but one WAMM system include the subs. Thanks for sharing your impressions.
I’m not an absolutist at all so I can see state of the art potential in all the essential competing system types... that is to say there are applications where SS or valve, box, horn, panel can be utterly engaging, sonically brilliant and or musical.
But also that each type tends simply to have a different mix of varying areas of strength or constraint... and that each of us will find a different allure for one or another based simply upon what creates the greatest personal resonance.
Also the big deep sub systems have a wow factor for sure but I do see a limit to what is bearable in terms of long term exposure to sub-sonics. But when you are exposed to a system that can fully energise a room it can be intensely exhilarating. Not sure tho if this is not actually a bodily function rather than musical appreciation at work. I’ve been exposed to big sub rigs and long term exposure always reminds me also of the feeling you get after being on a ride at a theme park. It’s also the Adrenalin that is released by the fight and flight reaction when the body is exposed to extreme sub-sonics.
But then in the end should we be at all surprised that a system costing over 1 million dollars can be competitive either musically or sonically with other top systems. Well you’d hope not.