Natural Sound

With our work finished, I drove David to meet his family that is staying with Romy the Cat, about an hour’s drive north of me. I did not know what to expect or what I would hear, but David and Romy go way back. They are great friends and I was certainly in for a treat. Little did I know that I was once again about to experience something very unusual. It was a very interesting afternoon, but one that I will leave for another time.

I named this thread “Natural Sound” because this system is a complete Karmeli system, from power delivery to speakers, cartridge set up to room tuning. I asked David about “Natural Sound”. He said it goes back to when he first heard the original Lamm ML2 and a Lamm preamp in a system. He heard a very special sound and one that was different from anything he had heard before. It was a transformational listening experience. He asked Vladimir Lamm about it. Vladimir replied, “This is “natural” sound.” David struck up a friendship, bought multiple copies of that original ML2 amplifier, became a Lamm dealer, and set about finding speakers that the 18 watt SET could drive. He believes that Lamm electronics are the heart of the system. Everything that followed from that first encounter is his development and understanding of what he now calls “Natural Sound”.

My whole new system once belonged to David, not the exact turntable, but a different sample and everything else. He set it up and fine tuned it in my house. I am thrilled with the sound and could not be happier with the results of his work. I am learning what Natural Sound really means, and I think as the system continues to settle and I listen to more music, I will understand more and more.

The two new ICs need some break in. I may contact David for a mono Ortofon SPU for some classical mono LPs I just inherited from my grandfather, but other that than, I think I am done.

I would like to once again publicly thank David Karmeli for all of his help with my audio system and for his friendship. I learned over the past few days what first rate service and set up mean. Proper set up and fine tuning can take the right system beyond what one is used to hearing. I think of my system really as a complete Karmeli vision of Natural Sound, and I feel lucky to own it and to be friends with David.

As I thanked David for his considerable efforts and guidance over the past couple of years, he told me that his real joy in this hobby comes from helping people who share the same interests, making new friends, and then continuing to spend time with them. I saw this here in my listening room, when we ate with my friends David, Ian and Al, and then when he greeted his old friend Romy the Cat. This is what it is all about for him. Music and systems are the simply the means to get him there. The friendships last.

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Wonderful report Peter ! David spent more time fine tuning your system than all the dealerships i have bought all my gear from trough 30 years combined ! :) My condolences with your new Road Runner, let the speed adjustment OCD begin !o_O
Artistic recreation of Peter the last few weeks following a hard sail.

Love this add.
Wonderful report Peter ! David spent more time fine tuning your system than all the dealerships i have bought all my gear from trough 30 years combined ! :) My condolences with your new Road Runner, let the speed adjustment OCD begin !o_O

Thank you Lagonda. The service that David provided me was complete and exceptional, and I have every confidence that there will be follow up service if ever needed. I have not heard of such set up service from any dealers, but there may well be a few who would do it. I hear my local Boston dealership charges a fee for speaker set up. Can you imagine?

That Road Runner was there for the set up process and is already packed away, LOL.
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Looking great Peter, congratulations! Does the two 3012s, resting on different arm platform sound different?

Hello leyenda, I suspect they do sound slightly different given the different material and mass, but without switching over one of the cartridges to the other arm and assuring identical set up, it would be very difficult to know for sure. I have not done that exercise. Perhaps David would know.
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Peter, I am so happy and thrilled for you… that you are achieving what, for you, is pure sonic bliss is absolutely wonderful. Beyond that, by a huge margin, is the friendship and camaraderie you’ve developed with ddk. One of the intangible fringe benefits of this hobby. Bravo!
Most likely an expensive blonde....
Or a "Suicide Blonde"-- Dyed by her own hand!o_O

PeterA-- may I add my Kudos to your journey and Final ascent into the Natural sound you strove to achieve--I am envious to the Core :oops: !

Ah yes the enigma that is Sir Bessnow--I've chatted with him over the years he used to send me pics of his cat (RIP)!

--his journey is worthy of a Novel--or a Film script!

I'm a fan--he knows more about Music than many others that purport to do so in the industry.

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What a fantastic report, Peter! You truly are done!

You were happy with the sound before David arrived; I cannot imagine how happy you must be with the unforeseen magnitude of the improvement!

Congratulations to David for setting the standard for knowledge, experience, patience and perfectionism! Your experience, Peter, makes me even more excited about my future audio adventure with David!
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David has the opposite approach. His reference is the natural sound of unamplified music as he remembers it and as it sounded to him from an actual live experience. He wants the system that he is fine-tuning to sound like an actual violin, not like the sound of some reproduced violin through some other system. As long as the recording is decent, he takes what he hears and compares that new sound to how he knows those instruments and voices sound in real life. It seems like a subtle difference, but having now witnessed his approach, it is significant distinction.

Exactly. First go to the concert hall and then to the showroom.

Even subtle changes in angle are now audible where they were not before. This was a very interesting development. The window closest to the door can now be used as a subtle tone control when the angle is adjusted.

I hope we don't start seeing Furutech Audiophile Venetian Blinds.

Thanks for the excellent write-up and enjoyable read. David's visit is an amazing finale to an incredible journey.

With luck the concert season is getting close.
Thank you Lagonda. The service that David provided me was complete and exceptional, and I have every confidence that there will be follow up service if ever needed. I have not heard of such set up service from any dealers, but there may well be a few who would do it. I hear my local Boston dealership charges a fee for speaker set up. Can you imagine?

That Road Runner was there for the set up process and is already packed away, LOL.
IMO, use of a Road Runner is not “Natural Sound” because every time I have measured a belt drive TT it was naturally running at slightly the wrong speed! ;)
What a fantastic report, Peter! You truly are done!

You were happy with the sound before David arrived; I cannot imagine how happy you must be with the unforeseen magnitude of the improvement!

Congratulations to David for setting the standard for knowledge, experience, patience and perfectionism! Your experience, Peter, makes me even more excited about my future audio adventure with David!
Does that mean he now has to hand back in his WBF membership card? Done means no more need for forums...right?? Riiiggghhhttt...
I suspect with some time I will quietly fade to simply enjoy the music like Tang and Rockitman seem to have done. It's a relaxing thought.

While I am new (old) member, I sincerely hope not.

I have always thought it is a sign of a contentedness when you see a person posting mainly over in the music forums. I'd love to see you a regular in the classical thread. It is the one I enjoy most here - that and the odd and unusual systems that pop up. It was your complete change of system that made me pop up again after years of being away - simply because it was so interesting. Now I am back, I am enjoying it (and learning to stay well away from antagonists).

You must have quite a record collection hiding away which doesn't make it onto these pages. I would love to hear your thoughts on what you are spinning.

Box swappers argue, music lovers experience and share.
Congratulations, Peter. Just love the look of your new rack and the whole system. It is so nice that it melds into your other decor so well.

It is a shame that we don’t have a similar expert as is ddk over this side of the pond.

Fun as always, Peter.

Seeing the photo with David and a Vitavox together in your room the scale fully clicked. To think your standmount speakers probably were capable of filling the room with sound. They look head high bent over the TT. :D :oops:

Fun as always, Peter.

Seeing the photo with David and a Vitavox together in your room the scale fully clicked. To think your standmount speakers probably were capable of filling the room with sound. They look head high bent over the TT. :D :oops:

The photo makes me wonder if David's unparalleled set-up abilities are partly a result of his strict "no shoes/no socks " policy. :oops: He feels deep bass impact on a whole different level than the average listener, and is therefore able to make the right adjustments !;)
Peter did say something tip toeing in the snow. Must have been Dave sans sneakers.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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