I don't think you can use Munich to make any compelling argument for horns. First, it is a EU trade show. Most homes in the EU counties have smaller spaces for the majority of folks who want to set up music reproduction systems. Horns are attractive to those buyers which speaks to the commercial success of horns in the EU that we do see here in the States. What is clear to anyone attending Munich is that a huge swath of the market that show caters to are distributors, dealers and retail customers in Asia including Japan, which also have smaller homes where horns may be a fine choice for room and budget. Second, have you heard the horns at Munich? Very few of them sounded anything remotely near "very good" and most were in shambles. It was quite clear that the worst sounding displays at Munich were extremely unimpressive high priced horn systems. In fact, aside from the Cessaro and Lorenzo exhibits, most deserved more ridicule than praise.
It's certainly your preogative to prefer horns. But you shouldn't cite Munich as an example to support your choice. After living in "horn world" for 3 days, I certainly came away less impressed than I would have hoped. I'll bet you would have as well.
Lots of inconsistencies there Marty. Horns are better in big spaces, I already said most of the horns at Munich don’t sound good, and I cited Munich only as a direct reply to a question “what % of rooms at a show are horns”. I seldom audition horns or any components at shows nor recommend anyone to, apart from WE
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