Natural Sound

The back panel seems to give the Hartsfield a bit more flexibility for setup. John has been building them with extra thick material and bracing to make them less likely to vibrate- something a bit harder to control if the wall itself is subjected to bass frequencies prior to exiting the mouth of the horn.

There are trade-offs. More flexibility with positioning, but if you pull it out, you don’t get the full advantage of using the walls to extend the horn. I would be curious to know how the back panel design deals with things like baseboards and corners that are not completely square. You then end up with a step at the boundary of the speaker where it hits the wall affecting the horn. In reality, I don’t know how much of a difference any of this makes. I also don’t know the design and shape of the folded horn for JBL Hartsfield.

Then there is the high frequency extension. I don’t think the Hartsfield goes as high as the Vitavox so people end up adding super tweeters complicating the crossover. It would be interesting to compare presentation differences. As with other designs, corner horns, apparently all sound different.

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