New Album & The Beginning of Basketball Season

Tough loss for the Celts Phil. The Phila youth might prevail and become giant killers in the series.

Watching the Lakers get blown out by OKC showed me again how good they are. Simply put they outplayed,out hustled and outclassed the Lakers in every way. Pau was a no show and as much as I like Sessions his shot to me is suspect. There is no stopping Westbrook as he is just too good and too fast

As I said months ago I believe OKC can beat the Heat and win it all.

As for this series Lakers go out in 5
Word for word, Steve.

Reggie Miller kept on talking about how the Lakers were tired from the Denver series. OK, I'm thinking, in Game 2 they'll be a bit fresher and only lose by 20! Sessions was an upgrade over Fish at the point but he's still a second or third rate point guard. The Lakers need to dump Gasol and make a serious run for D. Will.
Tough loss for the Celts Phil. The Phila youth might prevail and become giant killers in the series.

Watching the Lakers get blown out by OKC showed me again how good they are. Simply put they outplayed,out hustled and outclassed the Lakers in every way. Pau was a no show and as much as I like Sessions his shot to me is suspect. There is no stopping Westbrook as he is just too good and too fast

As I said months ago I believe OKC can beat the Heat and win it all.

As for this series Lakers go out in 5

Yeah, Steve. The C's had a hard time finding their offense against the younger, quicker and talented Sixers. The Sixers play a small lineup that is extremely hard for the C's to catch up with. And the C's had poor choices of shots down the last minute, with Rondo taking a jump shot who is not the go to guy for the C's to take a jumper.

OKC was awesome today. Firepower galore. Hard to imagine how to stop and slow down this locomotive. When RW and KD connects from the outside, normally it's trouble for the opponents. I believe too that if OKC faces MIA in the Finals, they can beat them. I think OKC has the best chances to defeat the Heat as well.
what also amazed me about last night's game was most of OKC's points were made on jump shots from the perimeter as well as a multitude of 3 pointers

No one IMO can beat OKC in the west and I still believe they can win it all which I also said months ago. Watching OKC totally humiliate the Lakers last night with that blowout win reminded me that I had the exact same feeling last year as I watched the Mavs destroy the Lakers and go on to win the championship.

Everyone says Kobe has a long memory but no matter what he brings, it won't be enough to win the series
agreed, steve. westbrook looked so confident with those stop and pop jump shots like he could shoot with blindfolds. it would indeed be amazing if okc sustains this kind of torrid outside shooting the rest of the playoffs. that is their weapon. and i can see their defense had toughened up a bit too as the months progressed. they challenge a lot of shots and get back on d in time. good signs for this team we bank on to beat the heat. :)
and how about OKC the team with the highest turnover rate in the league due to their run and gun offense, only had 4 TO's last night

that's why they won big...they now have the formula of shooting, decent D, and minimal turnovers. what else can one ask for? :)

clippers/spurs tonight. let's see if the clips can continue their 'winning ways'...
Heat lost a close game. My son and I noticed at 17 seconds left in the game, James passed up the ball twice. He clearly didn't wanted to shoot the ball for the tie. Shades of the moose and the headlight again.
I think the reason I have never considered SAS a contender is because they're too old and not flashy. Well watching them beat up on the Clipps in such simple and pretty fashion. These guys are for real.
And their Big 3 have multiple rings. I would add that to their advantage in close games and close series. I remember their 2005 championship win against Detroit, they showed a lot of toughness and poise, and won game 7 at home.
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I wouldn't count SAS out against LAC, OKC or the Heat especially with Bosh out. Even if Bosh comes back to play, it's a core injury, his mobility will still be seriously hampered.
Big turnaround by Lakers on Game 2. OKC outsde shots not that hot tonight.
yeah, steve. this one should have been a won game for the lakers. for a while, i had been having doubts about the thunder being composed in the closing minutes of a tight game. tonight, they showed that they could come back against a tough la defense. and gotta give my hats off to kd. that last side jumper that rolled in showed he was determined to make the money shot for the lead. and boy did he. confidence, and leadership. a very valuable player indeed. and no passing up a shot.
THE lakers disintegrated in the last seconds .. Very strange for such a veteran team ... OKC is a good team but i remain to be convinced .. With Bosh going down the Heat are no longer the favorite IMHO .. We will see strange things .. I wouldn't discount the SAS in the West and in the East ... I would take the Celtics very, very seriously ...
Ok People! Does anybody have any doubt about Rajon Rondo as the best pure point guard in the League? Doubt if you want and see him grab 20 rebounds, 20 points and 20 assists ...
THE lakers disintegrated in the last seconds .. Very strange for such a veteran team ... OKC is a good team but i remain to be convinced .. With Bosh going down the Heat are no longer the favorite IMHO .. We will see strange things .. I wouldn't discount the SAS in the West and in the East ... I would take the Celtics very, very seriously ...
Ok People! Does anybody have any doubt about Rajon Rondo as the best pure point guard in the League? Doubt if you want and see him grab 20 rebounds, 20 points and 20 assists ...


I must say that Rondo has improved greatly from the last few years. Being a Celtics fan, I would like to believe he is the best PG right now but there will be those who will feel CP3 or Westbrook as the top PG. Rondo's main problem is his consistency in the medium range jump shot, where CP3 or Westbrook clearly has the edge. But his penetrations leading to 2 points are a sight to behold, and he got eyes everywhere too for anyone who is cutting or free. Today's game in Philly was an ideal game for Boston, and I'm amazed at where Pierce and Garnett get their energy. If 2 of the Big 4 (Rondo included) score 20 or more points that is a good sign for them. As for the Heat losing Bosh for the meantime, they've got to deal with it and play harder. They've got the Big 2 who can score big any game, unlike Chicago who lost their Big 1 and the opening round to boot. At any rate, anything can still happen. These are the Final 8 teams and all are hungry to win the title.

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