IMO the Dubs are calmly considering how to fine tune their team and it will likely be in the area of a big man but not a ball-hugging-want-to-score big man, rather a versatile and fierce rebounder/defender in the mold of Dennis Rodman without the drama. A low-key player who would know his role and simply feed the ball to the rabbits/snipers. Block the middle of the lane so that you don't pound in the low post and tire Draymond Green or their current center. A good rebounding team can challenge the Dubs as they're currently configured. Just make sure that no big man however good doesn't slow the pace of their game. Teams such as the Spurs have shown they can do that to the Warriors. You don't mess up your chemistry with too many super-stars. Leave the nucleus of the team alone and acquire that kind of player (s) and they will be fine for a decade

As for the Lakers, I am sure they are finding ways to cope with the DeAngelo Russel, fiasco. They've been there with immature players with super-star potential, although Russell went as low as one can do without cutting the throat of your teammates. I cannot find any shred of sympathy for his stunt and personally would have boot him out of my team. I may never like this player again, that is just me. I have never found ways to like Lebron since his decision and even less for his current behavior .. but KD could fit there, a mature super-star hungry for recognition in a big market wanting to re-establish its winning ways and place in history? To me a no-brainer...
And there are the Celtics.. I don't follow them enough to know what are their strength and weaknesses (Sorry Phil

) but they are the CELTICS and they know a thing or two about winning and it seems they have a solid nucleus without the current Lakers Russel' soap opera. They tend to accomodate big men-stars in a big way and make these guys their own and have these guys think they have been Celtics their entire career. Two names come to mind: Bill Walton who became a Celtics very late in his career when he was no longer a star and Kevin Garnet who won them a Championship and brought them to the Finals at least twice and could have been more weren't it for the superlative play of the rebooted Lebron James in one of the best play-off games in NBA history. Both are fondly remembered as Celtics first and could well see themselves as such.
And there are the Heat with Darth Vader aka Pat Riley at the helm. He asks Dwayne "Dade County" Wade to defer to KD and lengthen his own career and it would be even more interesting but since I live part time in Miami and HATE the Heat.... this has to be the least likely scenario
So if I were KD I would go to the Lakers where I would be The Star knowing they will protect my waning years, remember Kareem and how Magic and the organization took care of his late years... or the Celtics who would do the same.. but I am a Lakers fan... So KD just go to the Lakers and don't pull a Dwight Howard on us
