New Album & The Beginning of Basketball Season

LA Times said Lonzo Ball had an excellent workout for the Lakers today. Bill Plaschke wrote a column in the LA Times pushing the Lakers to take Ball.

Dad didn't show up for the tryout and Lonzo handled himself well in the media scrum.
What a finish to an amazing game played by both teams. Just when it looked like the Cavs were going to prevail GSW score 11 straight points and win 118-113

15-0 in the playoffs

what a team

Was monitoring the score as I was out, and got bothered when I saw Durant's score frozen at 17 points. I thought something happened but thankfully he came back and his final tally was 31, and a WIN! Am happy to see the come from behind win. 1 more and it will be all good.
Cavs are playing like they have their backs against the wall....and they do.

Typical Draymond. Hits Shumpert in the head and wonders how it could be a foul. Should have been a flagrant.
At the beginning of the game I was having great issues with the officiating, you know the third team that sometimes decides the outcome, but GS just flat got out played.
Fair to say Seth Curry folded under pressure? No injury excuse this year.

He was 4 for 13 from the field. He did have 10 assists.
Deep inside I didn't feel there would be a sweep. It would be too much. Cleveland is a very strong team, and the highest payroll in the entire league - they can't just be pushed to the ground just like that. The Law of Averages caught up with the Warriors, and they should be happy it's 3-1 instead of 2-2. Had it been 2-2, Dubs still had to win Game 5 to forge ahead, instead with a win at home, they can take the title. Sooner of later, I knew the hot shooting will tumble over to the other side, and it's a series of hot shooting. The pressure is off the Warriors for a sweep and hopefully Curry comes back with a big game.
I seem to remember the Cavs down 3-1 last year

Deja vu time, Steve.

I remember the 1981 ECF wherein the Sixers were up 3-1 over the Celtics but lost in 7 games. 1982 ECF, the same thing happened, Sixers up 3-1, Celtics came back to tie it at 3-3 on the road, but the Sixers won't be denied this time, they blew out the Celtics at the Garden to take the series.

Funny how today a 3-1 lead feels scary. :D

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