New Album & The Beginning of Basketball Season

I bet Kobe lobbies to bring Lamar and Fisher back to the Lakers

Why? :) Fisher is over the hill and Odom is a head case. They need some young blood.
Why? :) Fisher is over the hill and Odom is a head case. They need some young blood.

I agree about the young blood but definitely one more year from Lamar. As to Fisher, just more depth in the bench, something they totally lack now (although I must say that has been different of late)
Seems like old times...That patented 'smile' of Magic...and his laugh...a most admirable pair, who many feel brought back the luster in the NBA when they both came in to the league, at the same year. Steve, we should be watching this together. :)

I agree about the young blood but definitely one more year from Lamar. As to Fisher, just more depth in the bench, something they totally lack now (although I must say that has been different of late)

Understood. Fisher can't though guard anyone even in a wheelchair :)

Years of being at the top and not getting great picks really has eaten away at them. One day they're going to have to what the Bulls did after Jordan.
No D Rose and the Bulls shoot a tres with 2.2 secs left in regulation. In OT Bulls kill the Heat with their big 3 in the game.

IMO the Heat are fading and there are some lower tier teams that are peaking and can easily be spoilers. Memphis for one is not who any team is going to want to face. Remember last year vs the SAS

Knicks also are peaking
saw most of the bulls vs heat game too. inspired ball playing by the bulls even with a hurting d.rose, they stepped up, on both ends of the court. watson was super today. and james, though he made 30 points, wasn't doing damage in the close minutes of regulation and the ot period.

agreed on memphis. they look hungry too, to advance.
No D Rose and the Bulls shoot a tres with 2.2 secs left in regulation. In OT Bulls kill the Heat with their big 3 in the game.

IMO the Heat are fading and there are some lower tier teams that are peaking and can easily be spoilers. Memphis for one is not who any team is going to want to face. Remember last year vs the SAS

Knicks also are peaking

Defense wins in the playoffs. Different game than in the regular seaason. Plus this being a wacky year, I think we can say that some/most players are just rounding into shape :)
i think to be successful against Miami, teams need to shoot well against them. Boston and Chicago both shot very well from the outside in the last 2 games against the Heat. The Heat's interior defense is one of the best in the league so you don't want to challenge them inside plus they are a very good rebounding team. One missed shot and the next thing is to run to the other side and you gotta be ready in transition. So, shooting well from the outside, like what Korver and Watson did, is a big stab to Miami's game. But the thing is, in a best of 7 playoffs, can a team always shoot that well from the outside? That will be hard to do for 4 games. And that is where Miami will have its edge with its choking interior defense.
i think to be successful against Miami, teams need to shoot well against them. Boston and Chicago both shot very well from the outside in the last 2 games against the Heat. The Heat's interior defense is one of the best in the league so you don't want to challenge them inside plus they are a very good rebounding team. One missed shot and the next thing is to run to the other side and you gotta be ready in transition. So, shooting well from the outside, like what Korver and Watson did, is a big stab to Miami's game. But the thing is, in a best of 7 playoffs, can a team always shoot that well from the outside? That will be hard to do for 4 games. And that is where Miami will have its edge with its choking interior defense.

Agreed. I sincerely believe that only LBJ can stop Miami. He will be needed in close games but too often hasn't shown up in these. I would add that the Bulls will not win without Rose. As for OKC they need to go through the West and the West is dangerous more so than the East. There are numerous teams waiting to ambush them not the least of these the Lakers which still have one of he bes players the game has ever know and a center who could be the second best in the league (would rank him slightly below Dwight Howard) and a power forward on the revive and a headcase with stellar defensive skills... I doubt OKC wants to play the Lakers in a playoff... Let's watch and see .... Miami looks more solid to me than OKC.
i think to be successful against Miami, teams need to shoot well against them. Boston and Chicago both shot very well from the outside in the last 2 games against the Heat. The Heat's interior defense is one of the best in the league so you don't want to challenge them inside plus they are a very good rebounding team. One missed shot and the next thing is to run to the other side and you gotta be ready in transition. So, shooting well from the outside, like what Korver and Watson did, is a big stab to Miami's game. But the thing is, in a best of 7 playoffs, can a team always shoot that well from the outside? That will be hard to do for 4 games. And that is where Miami will have its edge with its choking interior defense.

Dallas did it :)
I sincerely believe that only LBJ can stop Miami. He will be needed in close games but too often hasn't shown up in these. I would add that the Bulls will not win without Rose.

It's not really a matter of choice for James to come out and take over games. He has to do it. Or wait yet another year for it to happen. More often than not he scores 30 points so easily and quietly but when the game is one the line he treks far away from the hoop and engages in ping pong passes with the Heat folks. So in that sense, it's true, James stops Miami. How many chances will he need? He went to the Finals with Cleveland already. Disappeared in the last Finals with Dallas. Just like Dwight, he had his chance. Magic in his first year nailed a title. Bird on his second year. Jordan took longer but he nailed 6. :D And Kobe had his moments too.

For the Bulls to win even with Rose, I believe they need the shooting firepower of Korver, Deng and Watson. I was disappointment last season with the muffled guns of these 3, hence, Rose got no help and thought he needed to do it all by himself, which he could not. If Boston gets to the second round, then they could face either the Bulls or the Heat, and an improbable chance for another shot at the title. Long shot but past Celtic teams had been through that. :) It all boils down to who has the heart and will to win. :)
as the end of the season is but a few short days away, I can't help but thinking that there are some big cats at the top of the ladder that can easily taken out by 2nd tier teams. If I'm in the East some teams I would fear are Indianapolis and Memphis. These two teams play hard every game and the Grizz's are finally healthy. If playoffs start today, it would be Memphis vs Clipps which in a 7 game series anything is possible but I see the Clipps losing in the first round which if SAS win then pits the Grizz vs OKC (assuming they win) and we know what happened last year with the SAS and Grizz

Kobe looks like he won't play today vs the Mavs
agreed, steve. pacers and the grizzlies can be real spoilers. and i kinda feel atlanta has boston's number, which is a very possible first round match-up. the higher seed does not mean highly favored, save for the game 7 home court ad which could easily be taken out in the first few games with road wins. at the beginning of the season i never envision dallas at fare this low in the standings and looks like nobody is betting on them even for the western final 4.

injuries. with the nagging injuries to d. rose, i think kobe is taking the safer side by resting prior to the playoffs. the last game of d rose showed how coming in with a sore ankle is pretty much as good as sitting on the bench. and the worse part if further taxing the injury. 1st round in around the corner and nothing a team wants more than an hurting star player because the season could be over in 5 quick games, or less.

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