New Album & The Beginning of Basketball Season

Watching the Lakers get pounded by the Spurs last night in spite of Kobe's return has changed my thinking re the Spurs. They have a well greased team with a very deep bench and can shoot 3's better than any other team. In fact they looked so good last night that I can see them beating my favorite team the OKC.

I continue to think that the Pacers and Grizz will shake things up in both conferences

All depends on health of Ginobli!
Watching the Lakers get pounded by the Spurs last night in spite of Kobe's return has changed my thinking re the Spurs. They have a well greased team with a very deep bench and can shoot 3's better than any other team. In fact they looked so good last night that I can see them beating my favorite team the OKC.

I continue to think that the Pacers and Grizz will shake things up in both conferences

Too early to tell. I am not of the opinion that the Pacers can beat The Heat. I am not a fan, i recognize the excellence of the team though. The other day LBJ showed what he can do, scoring the last 17 Heat points ... Combine this with D-Wade, Bosh and a seriously tough defense and you have the playoff recipe for success: Great defense potent offense. The OKC tend to lose the ball too much .. Turnovers by Durant and Westbrook almost lead the league. A recipe for disaster IMO... Pacers are a good team, the same way Atlanta was last year: cause trouble but ultimately will fall to better teams ... The dark horses in the East are to me the Knicks and the Celtics.. The Celtics have the experience and resilience to beat potentially better but less experienced teams (and the Coaching too!!!) and the Knicks have the FIrepower to surprise .. In the West, Same with now Memphis, The Lakers or The Spurs. I don't see the Spurs going very far.. They could however destroy some dreams ... The Lakers could pull some upsets and they do have the personnel and the experience for that ... Much has been said about their age .. LA remains dangerous .. They still have very, very good players and now are in an unusual but to me welcomed position, that of spoilers... Kobe still leads the league in minute played and in points per game ... That to me will give many teams pause.. I am welcoming the playoffs ... we'll see but I don't see anyone defeating the Heat in the East ...
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As always Frantz I hope you're right about the Lakers but for me their defense last night was just too porous.

The Lakers could easily fall out of first place in the Pacific Division tomorrow with a Laker loss to OKC and a Clipper win. The Lakers IMO need home court advantage to go deep in the finals

Finally, there must be something going on with D Rose that we are not privy to. He has missed over 1/3 of the season and without him strong in the playoffs the Bulls once again will come up short

OKC is starting to look vulnerable as the season winds down

BTW only 0.1 point difference separates Kobe and Durant from the scoring title
Jordan's putting up bricks as an owner

an interesting read....

Mark Kriegel,

The 66-game season might have been tough on players’ bodies, but for fans it’s been an unqualified, if unintended, success. Burgeoning rivalries were intensified. New ones were born. Except for a couple of nights for the San Antonio Spurs, each game mattered.

What’s more, it was a merciful season. Gone was the malaise that typically infects the NBA between February and March. Finally, and perhaps most humane, the Charlotte Bobcats played 14 fewer games.

The Bobcats — with seven wins against 54 losses and riding an 18-game losing streak – have a chance to replace the 1972-73 Philadelphia 76ers as the worst team in NBA history. Five more losses seems a cinch for this team, as the weakest opponent left on Bobcats’ schedule are the Wizards, who beat them by only 28 in Charlotte 11 days ago.

Of course, no one would care about the Charlotte Bobcats if they weren’t owned by Michael Jordan. You needn’t subscribe to the Parcellian maxim — “You are what your record says you are” — to understand what Jordan has become. By now he should be identifiable to all as the worst owner in the game (an unofficial title I hereby take from Jim Dolan and bequeath Jordan). Worse still, it’s becoming clear that his two careers — one in uniform, the other in a suit with too many buttons — are inversely proportional. As great as he was as a player, well, that’s how bad he might turn out as an owner and front-office guy.

It’s difficult to feel much sympathy for a kid who won an NCAA championship and stands to be the first pick after just a few months of college ball. But Kentucky's Anthony Davis deserves better.

Davis should be a franchise player on a defense-first team. Unfortunately for him, the Bobcats are last in the league in scoring. Or, put another way, the burden of proof isn’t on the 19-year-old. It’s on the 49-year-old owner.

I’ve seen some deplorable owners in my day. There’s the aforementioned Dolan, and one of my personal favorites, Leon Hess, the man who consigned the Jets to Giants Stadium. Jordan might not be as pernicious or out of touch. But he’s in a class by himself.

He’s not, say, Paul Allen, with his Microsoft fortune. He’s not Donald Sterling, a landlord. He’s the greatest basketball player who ever lived. And, as such, he has no plausible deniability. If nothing else, he’s supposed to know the game.

I’m not making any snap judgments here. As an owner/general manager, Jordan has already accumulated a pretty extensive (and damning) body of work. He’ll always be the guy who drafted Kwame Brown with the first pick. He’s the guy who drafted Adam Morrison. He traded Rip Hamilton. He traded Gerald Wallace. He traded Tyson Chandler.

Knowing the game also means hiring people who know the game. Instead, Jordan has given Rod Higgins a job-for-life. When all is said and done, Higgins might make Isiah Thomas look like Red Auerbach. (OK, maybe I’m getting a little carried away.)

Finally, the guy’s supposed to work. On this count in the indictment, I respectfully dismiss deputy commissioner Adam Silver’s recent assertion that MJ “is playing less golf than he ever has.” I mean, is that supposed to be a source of comfort to the fans of Charlotte? Instead, I refer you to a man who once coached Jordan’s Bobcats.

“The work he put in to be a great player and the work you put in to be a great executive, those are different things,” Sam Vincent told the Washington Post’s Rick Maese. “That additional time you spend on jump shots, running, dunking, I don’t know if he puts in that same amount of time as an executive or if he even cares to.”

It should surprise no one that Vincent has since said his remarks “were used out of context.” Rather, Vincent added, “I love what Michael is doing . . . ”


What he is doing?

Michael Jordan is five games from being the worst of all time.
All depends on health of Ginobli!

True. Manu is a career 15 ppg player and is part of the Spurs own Big 3 in Parker and Duncan when they won a few rings before. He can come off the bench to make 20 points on a given night and is hard to defend with his unorthodox style. I have always respected the Spurs team under Coach Pop as they are very disciplined and systematic in execution. Last year, I was shocked quite frankly when they were eliminated by the Grizz after being the 1st seed in the West. I can see them move towards the West Finals this year due to their experience and now, depth as they have Stephen Jackson, Boris Diaw and of course, Ginobili coming off the bench. This may be the last run and best chance for another ring as their top players are all in their mid 30s.
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This is the year that Chip Engellund's shooting coaching seems to have finally sunk in for the Spurs. It's like Steve said, like Dallas last year, you almost expect every shot to go in. It should be noted too that Pop has shaken up his system quite a bit. If they go deep into the playoffs, Parker who has been going unnoticed just might be an MVP contender. Check out his stats. If SA is unheralded it's always been they have been so no nonsense on the court. They are still no nonsense but Pop has got them on high octane offense now. They are no longer boring as before.

This is the year that Chip Engellund's shooting coaching seems to have finally sunk in for the Spurs. It's like Steve said, like Dallas last year, you almost expect every shot to go in. It should be noted too that Pop has shaken up his system quite a bit. If they go deep into the playoffs, Parker who has been going unnoticed just might be an MVP contender. Check out his stats. If SA is unheralded it's always been they have been so no nonsense on the court. They are still no nonsense but Pop has got them on high octane offense now. They are no longer boring as before.

Agreed, Jack. They are ranked no. 1 on FG% at 47% and no. 1 on 3 point % at 39%. Wow! And peoples' eyes are mainly of the Bull, Heat, and OKC. SAS have the championship pedigree, and while I didn't find them that boring before, they are going to be a lot more exciting this time. :D
And the Heat lose to the Wizzards

LBJ did not play

Today is the day the Lakers fall out of first in the Pacific Division and Kobe could easily lose the scoring title today to KD who is only 0.1 ppg behind
I thought he killed James Harden. When he came out of the locker room he looked dazed. Smart they took him out of the game. I wonder if they should keep him overnight in LA and get an MRI for anything unusual if not now even
I thought he killed James Harden. When he came out of the locker room he looked dazed

He was lucky he didn't! That was vicious! Shades of Kermit Washington!
Watching OKC totally destroy the Lakers in the first 3 quarters today there is a good chance the Lakers could end up 4th in the West (possibly 5th but they win the tie breaker I think). If so they face either Memphis or Clipps.

IMO they have a better chance beating the Mavs if things stayed the same.

I still believe OKC can win the whole thing (if Harden is healthy) (certainly the West) and IMO I still believe KD is the MVP. Jeff Van Gundy today felt LBJ is the MVP but he said the award should be renamed The Most Outstanding Player. It's just that KD does everything so well and without the jazz or glitz that LBJ has
Unbelievable and as Frantz would say, it's turnovers which kill OKC and that was evident in the 4th quarter. And then Kobe's 3 pointer to take the lead and overcome a 17 point deficit was un****ing believable. And then he comes back with another three.......I'm out of breath OT after regulation 91-91
KD sure missed a lot of shots down the stretch that he usually nails. And the Lakers left 4 points at the free throw line down the stretch.
Great game.

Double OT. Why did he go with Westbrook on the final shot of 1st OT when his shooting was in the garbage today

That's being kind! Looks like John Starks out there!
One of the best games I have seen in years. Kobe continues to be, well, Kobe :)

This game truly exposed the deficiencies of OKC but it is all a game of what if's and second guesses but yes Ron, a lot of misses by KD and Westbrook

Frantz, you may be clairvoyant after all for all we Laker fans

Lakers win in double OT. 114-106

Now how many games will MWP be suspended for?

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