Aren't you using a K15EX with your Mephisto ?
How does it sound compared to other linestages you owned in the past ?
Hi Thieliste,
So it arrived! I am only just getting to know the preamp, but a few hours in and I suppose coming from a 20-year CJ ownership all the way thru the CJ GAT 2...and having considered Zanden 3000, Shindo, ARC, FM Acoustics, D'Agostino as well as Constellation and CH (which I did not manage to audition) initial thoughts are if you love purity, unbelievably quiet noise floor which allows a remarkable bouquet of details to abound in the music...and enjoy dynamics both macro and micro...with a tonal purity that leads everything...look no further.
The CJ GAT 2 saw off a lot of comers over the years (for me and my personal tastes...ARC, Zanden 3000, Shindo, D'Agostino, Krell, Boulder...i admired but did not pursue FM Acoustics, Gryphon, Constellation and did not hear CH Precision but am not worried)...but everything the CJ GAT 2 was...has now been significantly bested by the Koda K15EX (Superground). It is quieter, significantly and shockingly more detailed...and yet for tonal purity, an utter lack of grain, I lack for nothing. In fact is those 2 elements which are the strong suits of the CJ GAT 2...but now with the K15EX are more resolved by far, and much, much quieter (no noise when pause on track, very low noise when playing, and if you wish to listen to James Ehnes play violin on the soundtrack to Angels & Demons - Hans will now not only enjoy his solo when his violin soars on a single intensely pure note...but you will enjoy that leading up to it, his bow clearly rides up and over the strings and bounces slightly as he gets ready to really make that note soar...a beautiful detail of his technique i literally could not hear with the CJ GAT 2 before)...
...and on the macrodynamic side, unexpectedly with a significantly greater amount of macro dynamic range and slam. The CJ GAT 2 was never designed to be a slam master...but it had far more slam and dynamics than the Series 1...but the Koda K15EX was shocking in how it delivered on deep house electric. I dropped the Sub down from 10 to 7 on the volume to re-balanced everything.
Wow...this is truly special, and it is only a few hours old, not grounded yet (Tripoint) and I think there are supposed to be shorting plugs into the balanced inlets where there are SE sources going in...tweaks...but with burn-in and tweaks, I look forward to seeing what the K15EX can do when it is fully settled in.