Best headshell for the SME tonearms was and still is the SME headshell. You’ll know it if you mounted the same cartridge in the SME headshell and then compared it back to back with of the other ones. Of course proper setup and specially accurate VTA is key to this comparison.I have several other head shells by Audiotecnica, Yamamoto (wood and carbon fiber) and I own an Arche headhsell. All different sounding, although I really can’t really say one sounds better than the other.
Why? I find the unmodified SME headshells better than anything else I tried over the years in the SME tonearms. The SME 30xx is a complete system designed ground up including its phono cable and headshell, obviously you can change things substituting other components but all you get is a change and always worse IME.I do love the installation, the precise work, also the tonearms. But please do me a favor. Those SME headshells need a better substitution for really good sound!