New Pilium Gear!!!!

If anyone wants to understand what Pilium is about, schedule a visit to hear the Alexander/Hercules driving the M9s at the Magico factory. Or wait for a few months and you can hear full Pilium systems driving M9s at the DFW or Brooklyn Rhapsody Listening rooms.

We are not trying to convince anyone of anything, although we are making Pilium available across the US in seven locations for people to visit and have a listen for themselves if so inclined. Not to purchase, just to have a listen.
That’s an interesting view. I guess I’d say that no stereo is NEEDED, we do this because it (hopefully) brings us joy. But a lot of us derive joy in slightly different ways. Some chase the absolute last amount of detail, some a bigger soundstage.

For most of us, certainly for me, there are price points that simply exceed the joy I derive. That price point probably exists for each of us, and it is probably different for every individual . And I don’t see anything wrong with it, I think it simply is.

I’ve been thrilled with pilium so far. It has brought me much more joy than it cost me. I hope you get to listen to it and judge for yourself.
Well said.

I had assembled a system using Wilson and Audio Research that brought me many nights of listening pleasure. Somehow I managed to find system synergy with a few other brands as well. My audio buddies whom I have come to know here in Portland also loved visiting with many great accolades over the last few upgrades and refinements. They were mostly shocked I’d sell it off to go this new route.

As I heard other systems I came to know there is another level of performance… not just something different as I think I’d experience playing in the same tier as Pass, Audio Research, Ayre, Luxman, etc. I‘d be delighted to enjoy the sonic improvements of moving to Boulder, Dartzeel, Vitus, Kondo, CH Precision, Constellation, or Pilium if they were at the same price point as the former group. But that isn’t how things work out. That doesn’t mean great, musically satisfying systems cannot be assembled with lower tier brands, and unless one experiences a higher level system you may never know what improvements are possible. The price/performance ratio is one we all calculate to one degree or another, and our tastes play a big part of that. One fellows incredible system might leave another guy scratching his head — or simply be unmoved.

No doubt I’ve taken a gamble joining Bob @Rhapsody, but he’s a trustworthy guy and has exposure to brands many here in the states will never hear unless you visit an audio show. And when I heard Pilium with Magico M9 it was clear that system had something very special going on. The big brick ‘n mortar stores carry brands to cater to multiple price points, but usually only one, maybe two of the very top tier products/brands. Many people are simply unaware. I was one of them, but this Rhapsody Listening Room is an opportunity not just for me but for audio geeks around the country to hear these more exclusive products.

I hope audiophiles here on the west coast, interested in expanding their knowledge of whats out there, and also those considering making improvements to their systems will feel comfortable visiting me here outside Portland. I’m away from the anarchy of downtown Portland, and for wine lovers the Willamette valley is just a short drive away. If wifey isn’t an audio lover, she can hang at the Allison Inn resort while you come audition. Y’all are welcome here. :cool:
My wife: “you’re getting excited?”

Me: “yes dear, and you still do it for me too”

My wife: “come again?”

Me: “sorry honey, this one's an audio chubby, the Pilium gear is finally on the way!”

congratulations, monos?
Mighty Achilles stereo amp, Alexander pre-amp.

Maybe the future will bring Hercules monos.
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@Bobvin Lol.. Good to see you enjoying your audio endeavors! Wish I lived closer to hear your system..
Looking forward to your impressions.. Enjoy !
Hi All,

My first post here!

Last year in the happy age before Covid, when we traveled for fun, I had a few hours to kill in NYC and I called Rhapsody Audio to see if I could visit the shop with all this wonderful stuff! I’m glad I did.

First: meeting Bob was an absolute pleasure. In short, he’s a genuinely nice guy. I would sum up his attitude on audio as “this stuff should make you happy.” Second: in a room full of beautiful Japanese tube gear and exotic turntables he was streaming and using a large integrated cube, of a brand I was unfamiliar with called Pilium. Since that day I have tried to listen to as much as I could, and I kept remembering it and thinking it was the best gear I’d ever heard. It’s just “right.”

So a few weeks ago when I fried an amplifier, I used it as an excuse to buy a Pilium Alexander Preamp and an Achilles amplifier. Bob could not have been any better to deal with. When I got the gear in my house I knew I should wait a day, so naturally I fired everything right up!!! I instantly knew I had made the right choice. Within a few days I reached a happy point. There might be a better amp and preamp, but I don’t care.

A few notes: the amp is HEAVY. About 280lbs. I am used to moving things myself, this is simply not possible for me and this amplifier. It runs cooler than any electronics I have owned. Including non audio gear. It’s cool to the touch after many hours of use. For those of us in hot humid areas (I live in the Houston area) this is a bonus. Bob said warmup time was 20 minutes for the gear and frankly I didn’t believe it. But they warm up in about 20 minutes!

My speakers are Rockport Aviors, server is an SGM Extreme, and DAC is a Lampi GG2. These all seem to be a very happy combination. Vinyl is currently not connected for “moving stuff around” reasons, so I can’t comment on that.

Sonics are tough for me to describe, as I’ve never attempted a review. I would say that the notes hang in the air like a good tube system, but I am not saying it sounds tube like. It’s neither warm nor analytical. Obviously this next statement is a bit of a guess but I’d say the preamp seems to have all the benefits of added gain, with none of the downside. The system is neutral to my ear without at all being harsh or sterile.

A few weeks in, to say I’m happy with Pilium is an understatement.

Sorry for the clutter and non professional picture!View attachment 67971
Beautiful system! Another Texan from around Austin who'd love to hear your system and I'd be happy to reciprocate.
Pilium shipments being picked up today, on the way to customers from Greece.


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There is no doubt the Pilium kit is the real deal. Effortless, liquid and flowing musical presentation, audiophiles owe it to themselves an opportunity to listen. It may or may not tick your boxes, but I can't imagine anyone coming away saying its not playing in league with the very highest marques in the industry.
In my opinion, Pilium is a superb piece of equipment with absolutely fantastic sound quality.
Some photos of amazing integrated Leonidas.
This is from Pilium distributor in Russia -

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Thanks for the pics.

Yes, this is our big guy Leo in the showroom in the center of Moscow. This showroom belongs to our dealer.

Nearby you can see a sets of Karan Acoustics and Dagostino Progression, also excellent equipment, but they do not have such magic in sound as Pilium has. Though, I wouldn't be so sure about Karan, they are incredibly good too.
Just listen. An experienced audiophile-listener will immediately understand what Pilium is.
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But then again, Alon Wolf of Magico is using Pilium Alexander pre- and two pair of Hercules amps to drive the M9s in his showroom. While the Pilium brand may not have the long, established history of Wilson, ARC, Macintosh, etc., the quality of the sound is clearly high enough for the likes of Alon @ Magico.

We can only dream of low price audio gear, sadly with inflation looming prices won't be going down.

To be transparent, I have only heard the Pilium with the M9s, though that is going to change in the next few weeks when I'll have a chance to hear Pilium with Alsyvox, Diesis, and Bayz in my own room. <insert anxiously waiting emoticon!>
lucky guy, congrats, I will hear them when friend of mine receives Achilles next week, I can´t wait
lucky guy, congrats, I will hear them when friend of mine receives Achilles next week, I can´t wait
Out of the box the Achilles sounds good, but after several hundred hours of play it will sound GREAT! Like most gear it takes a while to get run-in, and in the case of Achilles there is a point where you think "OMG" but it does take a bit of time.
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Haven't heard of Pilium until now. Made in Bulgaria. Very interesting.

It's funny, I swear just last night I was telling my wife (who has zero interest in high-end audio) how much high-end was coming out of Eastern Europe. LDMS (Lucas D is from Poland though he now lives in the UK), Lampizator (Poland), FTA (Serbia), Manron (Poland), Laboga Cables (Poland), etc.
I am from Czech rep. and we make audio gear here called Block audio which is also considered as ultra highend Also company called GMG Power which is making highend power filtration and finaly KR Audio making awesome tubes 300B and amps Kronzilla.


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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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