New Synergistic Research Carbon Tuning Discs

For me at least the use of these things presents a couple of issues that gives me pause to think- 1. A purist would say these things are simply tweaks and don't really represent the music as it was recorded, etc., etc. The result seems to be that the people you can discuss these things with is somewhat limited.
2. You buy these with the expectation or at least the hope that they will result in an improvement but almost inherently and at the same time you question how the hell something like this could effect what in many cases in a multi-thousand dollar system. 3. If you do sense an improvement and decide to keep these things don't you feel awkward, foolish or perhaps silly as you explain what they are to someone who notices them and asks what they are. 4. If these things really can change the sound you are hearing isn't it troubling that we spend thousands of dollars on equipment and find something that is about 1/3 the size of dime can alter what we hear?
I am skeptical of any tweaks but avoid making any judgements until I have heard the item in my own system. To do otherwise is, IMHO, arrogant, ignorant and baseless. And yes, you have to be careful to avoid expectation bias and verify with someone else who does not know if the product is installed or not.
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I also can report that adding the discs on the coax cable to at the Dish Satellite box and on the HDMI cables also improve video quality as well.

I was blown away when I applied one to the heat sink inside our router. That snuffed out a lot of high frequency digital hash.

Ted Denney III
Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc.
I was blown away when I applied one to the heat sink inside our router. That snuffed out a lot of high frequency digital hash.

Ted Denney III
Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc.
That is interesting. I just converted mot of my house to fiber. That cleaned up a lot of digital hash or trash......
A balanced overall assessment SeagoatLeo, how/where things work depends from system to system
I agree, except that the Foundation digital cable is off the wall bad in my system and two friends systems (one of which is $500,000 with a $23K Meridian DAC).
I agree, except that the Foundation digital cable is off the wall bad in my system and two friends systems (one of which is $500,000 with a $23K Meridian DAC).
Out of curiosity did you try it in the context of a full Foundation Cable loom? Or was it thrown into a Cable stew?
Out of curiosity did you try it in the context of a full Foundation Cable loom? Or was it thrown into a Cable stew?
None of the three systems has a full loom of Foundation cables. If that were the requirement, then my SR dealer should have told me when he suggested I purchase just this cable for use with a $9K DAC and $4K transport. I would not have purchased it. No, we do not have a cable stew. Most cables are from a one manufacturer and the other high end system from two manufacturers.
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None of the three systems has a full loom of Foundation cables. If that were the requirement, then my SR dealer should have told me when he suggested I purchase just this cable for use with a $9K DAC and $4K transport. I would not have purchased it. No, we do not have a cable stew. Most cables are from a one manufacturer and the other high end system from two manufacturers.
Not a requirement but it is definitely a factor.
Now that I have the placement for all 4 discs tweaked, I am even more impressed. The way they add natural musical detail and open things up, without altering the tonal balance I have worked to achieve, is really something.They are a much needed reminder of the wonder and fun that this sometimes frustrating pursuit can bring:) I will likely be getting more, as my budget allows.
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Just charge them like I did! You can't live without them! LOL
I agree, except that the Foundation digital cable is off the wall bad in my system and two friends systems (one of which is $500,000 with a $23K Meridian DAC).
For your system, compared to which other cables?

Also, if I had a $500,000 system, I wouldn’t get Foundation cables. I would get much better cables. Foundation is really entry level SR. There is Atmosphere SX above them, then the Galileo SX.
For your system, compared to which other cables?

Also, if I had a $500,000 system, I wouldn’t get Foundation cables. I would get much better cables. Foundation is really entry level SR. There is Atmosphere SX above them, then the Galileo SX.
I agree. However, this was just a test to see if the same weird sound was derived from using this cable (Coax type). It did.
I agree. However, this was just a test to see if the same weird sound was derived from using this cable (Coax type). It did.
Absolutely no idea what you just said. And you probably missed my question. Which other cables did you compare your Foundation against?
I run Synergistic Tesla Hologram PC’s to my Bel Canto Ref600 Monoblocks, a Galileo LE PC to my Goldnote DS1000 MkII Deluxe Dac, and a Galileo SPDIF between my Lumin U1 and Dac. I tie everything together with a Synergistic Ground Block SE. Synergistic Purple fuses in everything that I can. I tried a Galileo LE PC on the Lumin U1 but found a Shunyata Sigma a better fit. i just ordered some of the Carbon Tuning Discs toda.
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Absolutely no idea what you just said. And you probably missed my question. Which other cables did you compare your Foundation against?
My friend uses Kimber Select digital cables and Kubala Sosna balanced ICs and Grover Huffman power cables. I use only Grover Huffman cabling/no stew of cables. I compared the SR to GoverHuffman, Harmonic Technology magic (dark but sweet sounding) and Monster 300 (neutral, not exciting).
My friend uses Kimber Select digital cables and Kubala Sosna balanced ICs and Grover Huffman power cables. I use only Grover Huffman cabling/no stew of cables. I compared the SR to GoverHuffman, Harmonic Technology magic (dark but sweet sounding) and Monster 300 (neutral, not exciting).
All those cables are significantly more expensive than Foundation. Not sure what the purpose of comparing was. Dah!
All those cables are significantly more expensive than Foundation. Not sure what the purpose of comparing was. Dah!
The GroverHuffman digital Coax cable is only $200, the others two Coax were $20 (Monster) and Harmonic Tech was about $125

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