I am skeptical of any tweaks but avoid making any judgements until I have heard the item in my own system. To do otherwise is, IMHO, arrogant, ignorant and baseless. And yes, you have to be careful to avoid expectation bias and verify with someone else who does not know if the product is installed or not.For me at least the use of these things presents a couple of issues that gives me pause to think- 1. A purist would say these things are simply tweaks and don't really represent the music as it was recorded, etc., etc. The result seems to be that the people you can discuss these things with is somewhat limited.
2. You buy these with the expectation or at least the hope that they will result in an improvement but almost inherently and at the same time you question how the hell something like this could effect what in many cases in a multi-thousand dollar system. 3. If you do sense an improvement and decide to keep these things don't you feel awkward, foolish or perhaps silly as you explain what they are to someone who notices them and asks what they are. 4. If these things really can change the sound you are hearing isn't it troubling that we spend thousands of dollars on equipment and find something that is about 1/3 the size of dime can alter what we hear?
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