You are wellcome…
Two questions in one picture:
• What is the brand of speaker’s feets/bases?
• Why did you put Parasound’s amps?
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The items under the speakers are made by Norm Varney at AV room service. They are custom made EVP's for large heavy items like speakers and they do a great job of isolating the speakers from the floor. I highly recommend them as they have helped the performance on every speaker we have tried them under.
First I really like the Parasound JC1+ amplifiers and I believe they could be the best value in power amplifiers you can get. We sell Parasound BTW. I used them because I did not have CH amplifier to use at the show and I also needed to take these amplimers to lend to one of my clients who I was visiting after the show and loaning them until his new amps arrive. I only have so much room in my truck and that is the truth and the answer. Top go beyond that I like irony and I am very pleased at the result we got at the event. I look at these shows as an opportunity to show our gear and skill but I do realize that we will never get the result one can achieve in a home ( or showroom) with lots of time get the room acoustics, electricity , speaker placement, seating arrangement position and the system maximized. I find the criticism and praise very interesting but I truly do not think the overwhelming majority of show visitors really get the true picture.
We are in Florida. Its a two day drive to get to Maryland. We have a sprinter truck. we are a small company with only a few people.
We spent the entire day on Monday Nov1 packing and boxing all the gear you saw at the show. We also had to get all the cables, racks, internet gear signs etc. ready to go. We were packing the truck to the max until we got it all in and the items secured. BTW all of these pieces are very heavy and bulky. We then left early Tuesday am to drive 12 hours so we could arrive at a reasonable time on Weds. so we could get some rest and prepare to do the room set up on Thursday. There is no really easy way to park our vehicle where it would be short, level and easy to get the stuff to tour room. We have to wait to get a spot near a reasonably close door to park the truck. Once we did that we now have to unlad these items. put them on dollies and roll it all into the Jackson suite. Once all of this is accomplished and every one is sweating like a pig and needs a break the process of unpacking all these heavy items begins. Once this has all been done we quickly try to figure out the best positions for the racks, amps and speakers to get started. This whole process was basically completed by around 330 in the afternoon. We then tried to get the internet that was "installed in our area at a mere cost of 722.00 for three days to work and allow me to use our incredible Wadax streamer to work. The company that the hotel uses gave us a total BS story about the bandwidth and the system could hardly stream a song on Qobuz in normal resolution. My business partner had to find their rep and troubleshoot this whole deal and it took aover two hours for them to open the faucet wide enough that I could play most but not all I wanted too.
So its now almost dinner time and we have the system playing and warming up.
Show starts 10 am the following morning. We have done nothing in set up to this point other than a rough placemenyt of the speakers and chairs. After some food I worked with some assistance by Norm Varney for a few hours and I go the system to a point that I was happy enough to go to sleep. Norm and I were back at it and 8 am the following moring to fine tune, adjust, install EVPS etc for another 90 minutes.
This is what happens for small companies at a show. BTW Sunday at 4 pm after all the show you then need to break this all down and be out of the building by 10 pm!!!
Sounds like fun?
That's what it takes to do a High End Show and a little behind the scenes.
BTW no excuses, no BS I love what I do and would not change it. Music is what I love and do my best and our best to make it sound great within the constraints available. Others may do it differently and make other choices. There are just limited options available to all of us financially and personnel wise.
I fight and die for my clients those who want it and appreciate it stay forever.