not sure i like the 'red' in thread snippets, seems to be distracting...

Mike Lavigne

Member Sponsor & WBF Founding Member
Apr 25, 2010
......but if i got to live with it then ok. i expect someone smarter than me has a good reason for it.

but if you are asking? then, no. if it's a setting that i accidentally triggered please let me know how to undo it.
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Does look a little there are errors everywhere. Perhaps not used to it...but some changes are intuitive. This one does not seem to be for either of us.
I am guessing a glitch that will be updated soon. Lots of red text is not pleasant.
If the Red is on links, that's a good thing, imo. As it were, links were indistinguishable from text. I take the extra three steps to underline a posted link, but if that or red can be done in the software it is much more convenient.
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Two simultaneous threads

If the Red is on links, that's a good thing, imo. As it were, links were indistinguishable from text. I take the extra three steps to underline a posted link, but if that or red can be done in the software it is much more convenient.

Agreed. Or at least some other highlighting color like blue, but red works for me too. As it stands, links are indeed almost indistinguishable from text without underlining or even underlining/ bold.
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Two simultaneous threads

I like it Steve. It is tasteful, not instrusive, and the red goes very well with the coloring of a page such as this one -- and best of all it makes links obvious. It is better than underlining, which can get crowded. Whomever is your colorist has the entire forum in relaxing, comfortable colors that do not strain.
as an update we have corrected and eliminated the red lettering throughout the forum and in order to resolve the issue with new member registration such that hidden boxes can be seen our coder is working on rectifying the situation. As stated this issue was brought to my attention by a member local to me who called me to report that he had a friend who was repeatedly unable to register. When I looked into it, the pertinent check boxes were unable to be seen on some later model laptops as they were black on black. Attempts on our end to resolve the registration issue resulted in lighting up the board with the red which everyone has seen. This has been corrected but we continue to have issues with new registrants being unable to complete the registration process. As a result we have a coder working in the background to correct this issue (which registered members cannot see. you can if you log out of your account and then click the register button at the top right. At the bottom of the drop down screen where all I see is black, if you hover your mouse or pointer over that area the text will become visible. )

This is apparently seen mainly by users with recent model Macs. I don't think those with a PC see it as I do but without that box being ticked the member cannot register. We should have that resolved today.

If anyone continues to see red script, usernames, links etc still in red , please report that here. My perusal seems to show that all the red seen yesterday is gone
I like it Steve. It is tasteful, not instrusive, and the red goes very well with the coloring of a page such as this one -- and best of all it makes links obvious. It is better than underlining, which can get crowded. Whomever is your colorist has the entire forum in relaxing, comfortable colors that do not strain.
Thanks Tim. Are there others who support Tim's suggestions that links should be in red as they are easier to find and not intrusive. If so I will look into that
Second thread was an accident brought about by not assuring issue hadn't been reported after discarding colorful examples in favor of simple direct language.

This has been corrected but we continue to have issues with new registrants being unable to complete the registration process. As a result we have a coder working in the background to correct this issue (which registered members cannot see. you can if you log out of your account and then click the register button at the top right.

I am on a PC and have slightly better than 20/20 vision with no diagnosed issues reading a screen. Which I could not do without some considerable effort had there been desire to register. This would be a challenge for anyone long before attempting the reCAPTCHA.

Hint: There is dark red text under each box.

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Not quite all, Steve. One more complication arose. Login screen is still impacted.

View attachment 96097 View attachment 96098
it works fine. Clear your cache. If it works on my computer it works everywhere else
We are working now on the log in for members on the forum land page. If you try to log in to the forum from other than the forum land spot it is in white. Our coder is working on the home page where the last bug is being resolved
Other than Tim is there a feeling that members might want to see links in red rather than black

The Web should not hide its links -- links differentiate a Web page from a document.
It's not so much one color vs another, it's the ability to know what is a link. In a line of black text how do you know there is something to click if the link looks like the text?
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