Not to Scoop


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2010
New York City

"For me its clear that 24/96, 24/192 and DSD are superior to 16/44.1 in many meaningful ways and I've come to this conclusion based on listening to more than today's 3 tracks in different system settings. But the ability to listen to these various samples all generated from master tape using the same equipment and methods, thanks again to Bruce Brown, has helped to solidify this belief."

So you start out with a clear preference/conclusion. You then do a sighted "test" that confirms your preference.
No food fight here, Myles. I've turned over a new leaf on this issue and have concluded that while I can't hear this stuff, it's my own fault for being unable to percieve any sound above 20khz.

As is expected...mastering trumps all. That said, hi-Rez PCM and DSD clearly is an improvement over 16 bit quantization of the same mastered material.
Most of us who follow these things already know these things :) The higher the rez the better, as Homer Simpson would say...
Most of us who follow these things already know these things :) The higher the rez the better, as Homer Simpson would say...

But, there is a limit. I have found no audible difference between DSD128fs and DSD256fs.
There is a limit to this. (I knew this too from your expertise said from a third party). Big smiley face not needed. Now let's let the real games begin... 128fs vs. 256fs. Who can hear the dif? And, what do you hear? Please describe it.
There is a limit to this. (I knew this too from your expertise said from a third party). Big smiley face not needed. Now let's let the real games begin... 128fs vs. 256fs. Who can hear the dif? And, what do you hear? Please describe it.

Blindly!! ;)
No food fight here, Myles. I've turned over a new leaf on this issue and have concluded that while I can't hear this stuff, it's my own fault for being unable to percieve any sound above 20khz.


I thought you couldn't hear anything above 13kHz.
But, there is a limit. I have found no audible difference between DSD128fs and DSD256fs.

Isn't there a theoretical argument that DSD256/11.2MHz places the noise clearly beyond the audio bandwidth into the ultra sonic spectra :confused:
Isn't there a theoretical argument that DSD256/11.2MHz places the noise clearly beyond the audio bandwidth into the ultra sonic spectra

And "normal" DSD64 doesn't?
No... you can see in the spectral plots the noise starts in the audible bandwidth. Just capture a live mic feed with PCM and DSD at the same time.

So "standard" DSD has audible HF noise?
So "standard" DSD has audible HF noise?

Are you using the word "standard" and "normal" to describe DSD 64? If so, why do you keep asking the same question?
So "standard" DSD has audible HF noise?

For persons that can hear in that range, yes.

Are you using the word "standard" and "normal" to describe DSD 64? If so, why do you keep asking the same question?

Yes, standard is DSD64fs or 1xDSD or SACD or 2.8MHz
Are you using the word "standard" and "normal" to describe DSD 64?


If so, why do you keep asking the same question?

Sorry, wanted to make sure I understood what Bruce was saying. Do you agree with him?
I don't hear any noise from DSD64 that stands out from my very low noise floor or the music. I need to get a bunch of DSDx2 files to hear the differences though. Not to mention for the listening pleasure as well because I love my DSD64 files and if DSDx2 really sounds better, that would be a real treat.

But getting back to my question to you, I feel like you have an ulterior motive to your question which you keep asking. Since your digital leanings lean towards PCM, I assume there is going to be some type of slant where PCM has no noise associated with the noise shaping that goes on with DSD which somehow makes it 'better.'
I don't hear any noise from DSD64 that stands out from my very low noise floor or the music.

As Bruce wrote. "For persons that can hear in that range", so maybe your hearing doesn't go that high?

But getting back to my question to you, I feel like you have an ulterior motive to your question which you keep asking. Since your digital leanings lean towards PCM, I assume there is going to be some type of slant where PCM has no noise associated with the noise shaping that goes on with DSD which somehow makes it 'better.'

Indeed - I have a number of times pointed out that I have an issue with the DSD HF noise in the audible range, and been told by several DSD fans that there is no such noise. That's why I want to be absolutely clear that Bruce and I actually agree.
So what frequency does the noise start at? I thought it was supposed to be in the ultrasonic region.

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