I'm officially on break..Woohoo!!!!
So I believe Steve asked what the Stacked Metaphor 2s sounded like. Thanks Phil, my turn
I've been itching to write this since last Friday but I knew it would be moderately long and I had a ton of stuff to do. I have to start with the man.
I've known Sam for almost a decade now, albeit I've known his younger brother since I was a kid, not close but we went to the same elementary school and I was just a year senior. If one were to find a matching character for Sam in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, here Sam is thought of as "The Collector". Lover and user of the iconic, the rare and obscure. Who might have a Win cart, yup Sam might and does. Sam's accomplice is Super Mario, banker turned tech. IMO the best darned tech in the country. A shame he will only work on stuff for friends as he does this for fun and does not charge anything at all. Together they do some really fun stuff with out of warranty gear. Their first speaker mod was to take a Maggie 1.6 QR strip it and put them in a custom frame and base made from flow grain acrylic and built up a custom crossover outboard. I had 1.6QRs and boy did the added rigidity make a huge difference in the 1.6's dynamic capabilities. You know, fun projects like that. Sam as a person is quite unique. For one, he's one of the nicest, most pleasant people you could ever meet. Always even keeled, thoughtful, softspoken an if you can believe it, I nor anyone else has ever heard Sam so much as utter a four letter word. Sam knows what he likes and speaks his mind very directly but does so with civility I've seen matched only by the most experience diplomats I know. With Sam it's all play and no work when it comes to Audio. Hence the collection, experimantation, not chasing an absolute sound but rather enjoying the diversity of it.
A condo unit once part listening area and kiddie playroom, Sam reclaimed it when his kids grew out of the playroom phase. As such, Sam was without a listening room for a long stretch as it was being remodeled. That Steve explains the proliferation of Golf sets

This is about my second visit to Sam's new music haven. His listening room is quite relaxing. The earth tones, the clouds clad with native weave, the perfect temperature all make one feel instantly at ease. The room is quiet and well balanced. Like other properly spec'd rooms you can whisper to each other from a distance and everything is clear as mountain air. He runs one of the largest local white goods firms so it is but natural that when it's time to take a break from all the travelling and detail oriented work, precious decompression time is what he wants. Helter skelter this place is not. His choice of listening chair singularly embodies this. A wide body Le Corbusier chosen for him by his significant other. This ain't no recliner. You're reclined with knees up like a Formula 1 car.
On deck for the day was an interesting mix. Sam hasn't recommissioned his analog yet so we were all digital. Sam used a 47 Labs Flatfish with Power Dumpty for his transport into a Berkley. That went to an FM Acoustics 268c (crazy good) and then into a pair of Stax monoblocks. These in turn driving the topic du jour, the stacked Metronome 2s. Power cables were Sensory Power and MITs, ICs were from FM Acoustics, SCs were M+B Signatures. When using his Spectral gear Sam uses MIT Oracles and MA-X. Sam also uses Daniel Hertz cables from time to time.
So here I am strapped into the chair, ready for launch. Sam asked what I would like to hear and I said, surprise me buddy

Sam proceeds to play selection after selection jumping genres from original cast recordings, jazz, classical, classical crossover, and folk. He even threw in a pop track that really surprised me, I'll get back to that. Through the years I've pretty much keyed in on Sam's tastes but knowing I'd be writing this I sought confirmation. Sam said "I like high resolution but it has to sound natural". The only four letter word he'd use is "fake".
Just a few weeks prior I was with Steve and Phil listening to Sam's stacked Quads. Quads have long been synonymous with natural sounding resolution. Not a shock to have them in the system of somebody where that is a major requisite. So where do these 20 year old dynamic speakers come into the picture? I've heard the un-stacked Metaphors at Sam's place before and I did think they were very good albeit I felt they could be pushed to edginess easily. So what happens when you stack? Propeller beanie on!
Three things happen when you stack speakers. First is that you change dispersion as you go from a point source to a concentric array. Counterintuitively this does not affect image focus or specificity negatively for as long as the design is time aligned from the get go. Somehow lobing is dealt with and having two tweeters per side is not an issue either as seen in for example Dynaudio Masters et al. The second thing that happens is a jump in sensitivity. Stacking adds 3dB per side. Third since they are wired in parallel you halve your impedance so it helps to start of at 8 ohms or higher or have amps designed to deal with impedance swings. The second thing is I think is most telling here.
These speakers are now almost 8 feet tall, the equilateral triangle between listener and speakers is at my estimate 7ft max. We are at the border between near and midfield listening. This is not a forgiving listening distance as air's elasticity will not filter any harshness out even at the lowest listening levels. I think this added 3dB of sensitivity was the key in keeping the Metaphors from ever getting pushed into any edginess. All the while, I was simply enjoying myself as Sam played track after track. It was the surprise Pop song that made me realize what was key in the transformation. When Dont cha' came on my mouth dropped open. You got me Sam. It surprised me on so many levels primarily "Pussycat Dolls? Sam?!!!". I soon saw the logic however. The bass line is propulsive as hell and it turns out the song was very well recorded. Vocally there is male spoken word, harmonies and solos. There's a lot in there. Also noteworthy is that you can't help but see Nicole at the pinnacle of her hotness in your head. In any case, sailed through it with no strain at all. For the entire afternoon I was just awash with pristine sound but sound that was not in any way cold or sterile. To say the sound was quad-like in many respects would not be hyperbole. The best of cones do approach stats. In the end I am just so impressed with the entire endeavor. I'm really glad the experiment paid of and did so handsomely.
Sorry I ate half of the Strawberry shortcake Sam. I hope you'll still invite me over next time Hahahaha. Thanks for always being a great host!