A well set up tape machine at <$25k will trump a TT at any price!![]()
I have a different, though admittedly very limited, experience. I have heard only two systems which have both tape and turntable. One had the TechDas and top contemporary tape and the other had vintage tape and a Technics SP10 MK 2. I don't know anything about tape players, but to my ears the Technics actually sounded better than the vintage R2R and the TechDas sounded about the same. I don't know if it was set up, software or something else, but I left underwhelmed by the much discussed superiority of tape.
This may be an outlier experience, and not typical of what most people with much more experience hear, but I thought I would share my somewhat contrarian listening impressions. I was left wondering what all the fuss is about.
But since people continue to praise the fidelity of tape, I remain open minded and hope to someday hear a system which can clearly demonstrate the superiority of the medium.
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