As I mentioned earlier, I was one of the two that voted "No (never really tried with a preamp)." I had chance the last couple of weeks to insert a Dodd Audio balanced battery powered tube preamp in my system. I listened with three different methods of volume control:
No preamp and JRiver controlling volume
Preamp at 0 gain and JRiver controlling volume
JRiver internal volume at 100% and preamp controlling volume
I listed them in order of preference. Being battery powered, the preamp added no noise to the system. However, it did add a slight thickening or "meat on the bones" as some would say. I found this to be unpleasant to listen to for very long and it obscured some of the natural decay of instruments. It could also cause some instruments to stand out more from the background. The bass also felt slightly bloated.
I had my wife listen to some songs with and without the preamp and she also preferred it without the preamp. She felt the preamp added a slight bit of harsh brightness (her words) to the music.
I tried several preamp VST plugins and found I could get very close to replicating the sound of the preamp in my system. One interesting one is the
phi-L Audio TubePreamp which is the result of a bachelor's thesis called, "Real-time implementation of a tube preamplifier in order to distort discrete audio signals."
In conclusion, I'm still going to go direct to my amps from my DAC.