Just a quote from someone who had his Oppo 203 player modified/upgraded with a linear power supply:
"Regarding linear power supplys.
I read about the Oppomod version in this thread around Christmas and was intrigued enough to try it.
I also purchased on eBay a mod with a Rhodium iec with solid silver cable soldered with high purity solder which connects to the power supply.
The idea being I've a good quality power cord so this mod would connect the power to the linear power supply.
I found my video of my 203 to take a very noticeable improvement with the following benefits, image was more 'stable', (looked more real), colours were more saturated. Both Open range and Only the Brave, both excellent transfers, looked incredible.
3D also improved markedly with better colour saturation and again just a better, more pleasing image.
People may say the above mods should make no difference, but I can see the difference, having owned my 203 since release last Christmas and very well acquainted with the picture quality.
I am very happy with the purchases and couldn't go back to a bog standard 203 now and plan to keep my 203 for a very long time."
My take, without direct personal experience but from clean readings:
The people who had their Oppo players upgraded with linear power supplies they all hear better audio and see better picture. The people who had their Oppo unmodified, in their original state, they see nothing, they hear nothing, but many criticize the people who do as coucou people. ...Coucou means crazy.
Methinks that the crazy ones are the ignorant ones with short narrow vision, and biased in their sale pitch from the original Oppo players (unmodified). And it's more than just a thought. They are so shortsighted that they are bullying and insulting the audio/video industry. I want nothing to do with those people, nothing. They think that they are smarter and better and above the rest; they live in the illusion of their own biased shadows. Oppo is good, and it could be made better, everything can be made better in this audio/video passion.
Coris here has a great contribution on his own Oppo mods; Coris is a solid gentleman from my exchanges with him. There are other Oppo diy modifiers who are also reliable. The number of happy customers is a testament. And the Oppo players are the nicest ones to work with for improving picture and sound.
That's my take.