Panasonic DP-UB9000 4K Blu-ray player | High-end Audio/Video machine

I would like to point out on an aspect (important issue) of the firmware of the UB9000, which it seems known to Panasonic, but for unexplainable reasons, they (still) ignore to fix it.
At questions about why this issue of this player model, their answer is “we do not know the cause of such” … Very strange answer from a manufacturer of a consumer devices sold to worldwide consumers/users.
Even more strange, Panasonic are not preoccupied to analyse their own software, trying to find out the cause of the reported issue, solving it, and updating in consequence the (more than an whole year old now) firmware of UB9000.

Well, what is this all about? In some (not yet clear) circumstances, while streaming from Youtube (I do not know yet if this issue it appears in streaming from other providers), the device just it freezes up. An event on network transfers it impact quite bad the whole device. The monitor gets dark (no video signal present), no any response from machine, nor from the buttons on front panels or from remote. Not possible to turn it off in any way, but only taking out the power cord.
It seems that the software/internal app, responsible for managing the network interface, it cannot respond or take a decision when the event it occur, and this it confuses the whole system. The device does not know what to do further. This is the apparence of the issue, seen from the user side.
I have tried to find some factual correlations when such issue it occurs. In my opinion it seems this issue in connection with a bad/poor software management of internal memory. The system it come to a point when it not has enough memory available to process any further. Or whatever… It could be many causes of such serious (never corrected) firmware bug.
Another software design problem of UB9000, in close connection with the above-mentioned issue, is the lack of possibility to proceed to a system reset (except taking out the power). This device it does not any general reset, but only at power up sequence, which it happens only when the device is connected to wall outlet. Then and always, the device it remains in standby like mode (similar to hibernation status for an PC), until it come the power on command from button or remote.
In this way, the device is not well/full “cleaned” up never, by a general reset, keeping one or another information in memory, registry, or wherever. The hardware in this device it seems it never get a full fresh/clean start up, except only when it loses the main power…
Where from my reasoning in this direction? When the issue occurred on my device, I taken out the network cable. After a while it was possible to turn it off (in standby). I start it up again, and I have tried accessing the network service. The device could not start up its network application, but only half way, and freeze it up again. For sure, it remembered the previous event, was still waiting something which never come (a response?), or it had not enough memory available to process further its network app. Or whatever… For sure, not any hardware reset occurred when cycled the standby on/off from front panel button. If the power is completely removed, then all it starts very well, as nothing it happened before (also the normal boot and power on sequence is running, starting with a general reset).
This device it not boots up, when the user it presses the power on button or from remote, but it only boots up when connected to outlet main power. In all the rest of the time when is “powered off” it goes in fact in a standby state. The bad quality software/firmware it is not able to fully clean memory and registry (as a hardware reset it does), and when waking up (“power on”), some parts of the system it still stores unnecessary or wrong informations, or the system memory is not properly cleaned up. They chose this like standby state, instead of power cut, because it speeds up the device start up when the user it press the power on button (or from remote). However, this so called power on function it still taking so unbearable long time...

Well, I have experienced network issues of the same sort (freezing up) at Oppo too, while streaming over network. Not on Youtube (there it is not working anymore that application), but on whatever streaming using the network interface in some particular (not very clear) circumstances. Only the whole behaviour is not so dramatic for Oppo players, as it is for UB9000. Because the Oppo devices it boots up in fact at power on (if set it accordingly in Menu), and then the power on sequence it begins always with a general hardware reset. This it makes the device “to forget” the whole previous bad things, starting up fresh and well. Long press function on power on button, if the device it freezes (Oppo software designers were clever to presume such freezing events occurrences), it makes possible a real power off (processor full power cut).
Oppo players it shows lot of problems, if the power off settings is set to something else than “Power Efficient” one.

This software issue is even more inconvenient (above to be highly annoying), when the UB9000 is equipped with an LPS. When the user gets an unresponsive device, while using it, the first gesture (instinct) is to take out its power completely (unplugging it from outlet). The second gesture it may come after a while as well… by selling the UB9000… But then, what buying else?
If for an SMPS, unplugging the device from main power it can be tolerated well enough, then for an LPS with large filtering capacities and long time to lose the accumulated power, it may be a challenge, such a cycling on/off main power. The analogue regulators inside an LPS it can be messed up by main power quick and repeated power on/off cycles. This is not good at all!

For those users heaving an LPS inside the UB9000, I would like to warn about this aspect. One should wait at least half a minute, before plugging in back again to wall outlet, after a such freezing event.
Another alternative to unplug the power cord, is to unplug first the network cable, then waiting for the device to respond at power off button (or remote).
This issue it occur while using the network interface. Else, the device it works as it should for the rest of its functions (as I have experienced so far...).

I am thinking at a kind of hardware reset function/solution for UB9000, while using the LPS, but best of all it should be that Panasonic itself should have finally enough respect for those who are buying their products, fixing the bugs in their products software, as caring more for updating the devices firmware, for their customers’ convenience…
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I would like to point out on an aspect (important issue) of the firmware of the UB9000, which it seems known to Panasonic, but for unexplainable reasons, they (still) ignore to fix it.
At questions about why this issue of this player model, their answer is “we do not know the cause of such” … Very strange answer from a manufacturer of a consumer devices sold to worldwide consumers/users.
Even more strange, Panasonic are not preoccupied to analyse their own software, trying to find out the cause of the reported issue, solving it, and updating in consequence the (more than an whole year old now) firmware of UB9000.

Well, what is this all about? In some (not yet clear) circumstances, while streaming from Youtube (I do not know yet if this issue it appears in streaming from other providers), the device just it freezes up. An event on network transfers it impact quite bad the whole device. The monitor gets dark (no video signal present), no any response from machine, nor from the buttons on front panels or from remote. Not possible to turn it off in any way, but only taking out the power cord.
It seems that the software/internal app, responsible for managing the network interface, it cannot respond or take a decision when the event it occur, and this it confuses the whole system. The device does not know what to do further. This is the apparence of the issue, seen from the user side.
I have tried to find some factual correlations when such issue it occurs. In my opinion it seems this issue in connection with a bad/poor software management of internal memory. The system it come to a point when it not has enough memory available to process any further. Or whatever… It could be many causes of such serious (never corrected) firmware bug.
Another software design problem of UB9000, in close connection with the above-mentioned issue, is the lack of possibility to proceed to a system reset (except taking out the power). This device it does not any general reset, but only at power up sequence, which it happens only when the device is connected to wall outlet. Then and always, the device it remains in standby like mode (similar to hibernation status for an PC), until it come the power on command from button or remote.
In this way, the device is not well/full “cleaned” up never, by a general reset, keeping one or another information in memory, registry, or wherever. The hardware in this device it seems it never get a full fresh/clean start up, except only when it loses the main power…
Where from my reasoning in this direction? When the issue occurred on my device, I taken out the network cable. After a while it was possible to turn it off (in standby). I start it up again, and I have tried accessing the network service. The device could not start up its network application, but only half way, and freeze it up again. For sure, it remembered the previous event, was still waiting something which never come (a response?), or it had not enough memory available to process further its network app. Or whatever… For sure, not any hardware reset occurred when cycled the standby on/off from front panel button. If the power is completely removed, then all it starts very well, as nothing it happened before (also the normal boot and power on sequence is running, starting with a general reset).
This device it not boots up, when the user it presses the power on button or from remote, but it only boots up when connected to outlet main power. In all the rest of the time when is “powered off” it goes in fact in a standby state. The bad quality software/firmware it is not able to fully clean memory and registry (as a hardware reset it does), and when waking up (“power on”), some parts of the system it still stores unnecessary or wrong informations, or the system memory is not properly cleaned up. They chose this like standby state, instead of power cut, because it speeds up the device start up when the user it press the power on button (or from remote). However, this so called power on function it still taking so unbearable long time...

Well, I have experienced network issues of the same sort (freezing up) at Oppo too, while streaming over network. Not on Youtube (there it is not working anymore that application), but on whatever streaming using the network interface in some particular (not very clear) circumstances. Only the whole behaviour is not so dramatic for Oppo players, as it is for UB9000. Because the Oppo devices it boots up in fact at power on (if set it accordingly in Menu), and then the power on sequence it begins always with a general hardware reset. This it makes the device “to forget” the whole previous bad things, starting up fresh and well. Long press function on power on button, if the device it freezes (Oppo software designers were clever to presume such freezing events occurrences), it makes possible a real power off (processor full power cut).
Oppo players it shows lot of problems, if the power off settings is set to something else than “Power Efficient” one.

This software issue is even more inconvenient (above to be highly annoying), when the UB9000 is equipped with an LPS. When the user gets an unresponsive device, while using it, the first gesture (instinct) is to take out its power completely (unplugging it from outlet). The second gesture it may come after a while as well… by selling the UB9000… But then, what buying else?
If for an SMPS, unplugging the device from main power it can be tolerated well enough, then for an LPS with large filtering capacities and long time to lose the accumulated power, it may be a challenge, such a cycling on/off main power. The analogue regulators inside an LPS it can be messed up by main power quick and repeated power on/off cycles. This is not good at all!

For those users heaving an LPS inside the UB9000, I would like to warn about this aspect. One should wait at least half a minute, before plugging in back again to wall outlet, after a such freezing event.
Another alternative to unplug the power cord, is to unplug first the network cable, then waiting for the device to respond at power off button (or remote).
This issue it occur while using the network interface. Else, the device it works as it should for the rest of its functions (as I have experienced so far...).

I am thinking at a kind of hardware reset function/solution for UB9000, while using the LPS, but best of all it should be that Panasonic itself should have finally enough respect for those who are buying their products, fixing the bugs in their products software, as caring more for updating the devices firmware, for their customers’ convenience…
Thanks for the post, Coris. Sounds like a frustrating firmware issue to be addressed by Panasonic. Given the HT/Video emphasis, I suggest also posting this over at AVS Forum's Official UB9000 Owner's thread. Also possibly at AVNirvana, Robert Zohn of Value Electronics (US Retailer) frequents there and has direct communication with Panasonic support.
How is the quality of the XLR analog outs for DVD/BR? Looking for a video disc flipper with XLR outs
Thanks for the post, Coris. Sounds like a frustrating firmware issue to be addressed by Panasonic. Given the HT/Video emphasis, I suggest also posting this over at AVS Forum's Official UB9000 Owner's thread. Also possibly at AVNirvana, Robert Zohn of Value Electronics (US Retailer) frequents there and has direct communication with Panasonic support.
Good point. Done it...
How is the quality of the XLR analog outs for DVD/BR? Looking for a video disc flipper with XLR outs
The stock device quality on XLR is enough good (better than on stock Oppo). It become much better after upgrades on both stereo DAC and audio board itself (also LPS in place)...
Does this unit play multi-region DVDs by chance or does it require hardware mods?
Well, to be honest, I cannot answer to this question (yet). Maybe you can get an answer if you ask i the forum.
In my opinion, I think it is not necessary replacing the original clocking device in UB9000. The clock approach is much elaborated in this device, than it is in Oppo players. In my upgrades, I improve even more this section as well. The problem is the power system, and not the clock circuit in itself. As the power system is upgraded/improved, then the clock circuit it benefit of that as well. Replacing the original clock circuit with an different one (out of the board), it only worsen rather than improving it.
I have the UB820 and an older Sony X800. I think the sony outperforms the panasonic in rendering of image. Looks more like a movie than a TV Movie on TCM. I could be that the Sony player has better synergy with the Sony OLED I have but the Panasonic in many ways just magnifies the problems inherent on OLED TVS. The Panasonic would be better with a projector or plasma technology.
I would like to point out on an aspect (important issue) of the firmware of the UB9000, which it seems known to Panasonic, but for unexplainable reasons, they (still) ignore to fix it.
At questions about why this issue of this player model, their answer is “we do not know the cause of such” … Very strange answer from a manufacturer of a consumer devices sold to worldwide consumers/users.
Even more strange, Panasonic are not preoccupied to analyse their own software, trying to find out the cause of the reported issue, solving it, and updating in consequence the (more than an whole year old now) firmware of UB9000.

Well, what is this all about? In some (not yet clear) circumstances, while streaming from Youtube (I do not know yet if this issue it appears in streaming from other providers), the device just it freezes up. An event on network transfers it impact quite bad the whole device. The monitor gets dark (no video signal present), no any response from machine, nor from the buttons on front panels or from remote. Not possible to turn it off in any way, but only taking out the power cord.
It seems that the software/internal app, responsible for managing the network interface, it cannot respond or take a decision when the event it occur, and this it confuses the whole system. The device does not know what to do further. This is the apparence of the issue, seen from the user side.
I have tried to find some factual correlations when such issue it occurs. In my opinion it seems this issue in connection with a bad/poor software management of internal memory. The system it come to a point when it not has enough memory available to process any further. Or whatever… It could be many causes of such serious (never corrected) firmware bug.
Another software design problem of UB9000, in close connection with the above-mentioned issue, is the lack of possibility to proceed to a system reset (except taking out the power). This device it does not any general reset, but only at power up sequence, which it happens only when the device is connected to wall outlet. Then and always, the device it remains in standby like mode (similar to hibernation status for an PC), until it come the power on command from button or remote.
In this way, the device is not well/full “cleaned” up never, by a general reset, keeping one or another information in memory, registry, or wherever. The hardware in this device it seems it never get a full fresh/clean start up, except only when it loses the main power…
Where from my reasoning in this direction? When the issue occurred on my device, I taken out the network cable. After a while it was possible to turn it off (in standby). I start it up again, and I have tried accessing the network service. The device could not start up its network application, but only half way, and freeze it up again. For sure, it remembered the previous event, was still waiting something which never come (a response?), or it had not enough memory available to process further its network app. Or whatever… For sure, not any hardware reset occurred when cycled the standby on/off from front panel button. If the power is completely removed, then all it starts very well, as nothing it happened before (also the normal boot and power on sequence is running, starting with a general reset).
This device it not boots up, when the user it presses the power on button or from remote, but it only boots up when connected to outlet main power. In all the rest of the time when is “powered off” it goes in fact in a standby state. The bad quality software/firmware it is not able to fully clean memory and registry (as a hardware reset it does), and when waking up (“power on”), some parts of the system it still stores unnecessary or wrong informations, or the system memory is not properly cleaned up. They chose this like standby state, instead of power cut, because it speeds up the device start up when the user it press the power on button (or from remote). However, this so called power on function it still taking so unbearable long time...

Well, I have experienced network issues of the same sort (freezing up) at Oppo too, while streaming over network. Not on Youtube (there it is not working anymore that application), but on whatever streaming using the network interface in some particular (not very clear) circumstances. Only the whole behaviour is not so dramatic for Oppo players, as it is for UB9000. Because the Oppo devices it boots up in fact at power on (if set it accordingly in Menu), and then the power on sequence it begins always with a general hardware reset. This it makes the device “to forget” the whole previous bad things, starting up fresh and well. Long press function on power on button, if the device it freezes (Oppo software designers were clever to presume such freezing events occurrences), it makes possible a real power off (processor full power cut).
Oppo players it shows lot of problems, if the power off settings is set to something else than “Power Efficient” one.

This software issue is even more inconvenient (above to be highly annoying), when the UB9000 is equipped with an LPS. When the user gets an unresponsive device, while using it, the first gesture (instinct) is to take out its power completely (unplugging it from outlet). The second gesture it may come after a while as well… by selling the UB9000… But then, what buying else?
If for an SMPS, unplugging the device from main power it can be tolerated well enough, then for an LPS with large filtering capacities and long time to lose the accumulated power, it may be a challenge, such a cycling on/off main power. The analogue regulators inside an LPS it can be messed up by main power quick and repeated power on/off cycles. This is not good at all!

For those users heaving an LPS inside the UB9000, I would like to warn about this aspect. One should wait at least half a minute, before plugging in back again to wall outlet, after a such freezing event.
Another alternative to unplug the power cord, is to unplug first the network cable, then waiting for the device to respond at power off button (or remote).
This issue it occur while using the network interface. Else, the device it works as it should for the rest of its functions (as I have experienced so far...).

I am thinking at a kind of hardware reset function/solution for UB9000, while using the LPS, but best of all it should be that Panasonic itself should have finally enough respect for those who are buying their products, fixing the bugs in their products software, as caring more for updating the devices firmware, for their customers’ convenience…

Well here we are in April 2023 and my brand new Panasonic DP-UB9000 has exactly the same problem. I put up with it for a while, as the occurrence was usually just once or twice over the period of an evening, and even installed an "Alexa" Smart Plug to the power supply to the player so I could just instruct Alexa to "power off" followed by "power on" to initiate the hard reset.

However, it finally came to a head when I was watching something I was quite engrossed in, and it froze for the 5th time in around 3 hours. When resetting, you have to try and find the program you were watching, and start all over again. This was NOT what I expected from a £1000.00 supposedly "Premium" product!

It is now back with Panasonic as it is still easily in the first quarter of its warranty period so we will see if they have finally made a fix. Quoted 1-3 weeks, its now 4 weeks and yet to hear anything from them.

Not impressed. If Amazon can make, sell, make a profit and deliver a 4k internet "Firestick" that works far better than the Panasonic for under £40.00, even when it is working, then why cant Panasonic sort this issue easily?

They have had your money so now simply don't care?

Will re-post when I get some more news.
The firmware of UB9000 is full of issues and software imperfections. It is like they used an beta version of this software, and then never interested to even update it, or addressing the obvious issues. A perfect careless for the users who pay enough much for this product. It seems to me as an big company arrogance.
In the last time I was very surprised by the good functionality of UB450. This is a very cheap disc player, but it have a very good user interface, much more user friendly than UB9000, it is very responsive, and no any frizzing. And a very good picture quality as well. It seems the team who have designed and worked on this model is indeed a good one. It is only sad that Panasonic still ignore the customer complains about UB9000 firmware. No any update for this device firmware was issued for so long time now! It is just a shame all this!
Well, I can announce that after 10 weeks 3 days taken by Panasonic to "repair" my player, it is now worse than when it went. Sevenoaks Sound and Vision have been excellent in their customer service but I am disgusted at Panasonic. They clearly have the attitude that if they take long enough, enough times, the buyer will end up putting up with the faulty player.
I have now given up as they clearly plan, and purchased an Amazon 4k Firestick for all my net content because the feature is simply faulty on the Panasonic. Here is my responses received.........

Hello *****,
First of all, I’m very sorry to hear the problems weren’t resolved after 10 weeks in repair. Networking problems can often be difficult to diagnose, and it can be a challenge with these sorts of problems when repair centers are used as we don’t have any dialogue with the repairer beyond the initial reported fault(s) until it comes back. Certainly, we can test it, although I’d prefer this to be done in our service department at our head office. That said, given the trouble you’ve had with it I’d be inclined to offer you a refund regardless.
Let me know how you’d like to proceed.
Best Regards,
****** ******
eCommerce Customer Service Representative
Sevenoaks Sound and Vision Ltd.

And finally.......

Hello *****,
I’m glad to hear you’ve managed to find a way to live with the player. It’s disappointing they couldn’t resolve the issues but as you suspected if it’s a software related issue as opposed to a hardware one there’s not much a repair agent can do. I do appreciate given the time frame you’re not keen to explore this further. That said, if I can be of help in any other way let me know, and if you end up shopping with us again online for anything do let me know and I’ll see what I can do as a gesture of goodwill.
All the best,
****** ******
eCommerce Customer Service Representative
Sevenoaks Sound and Vision Ltd.

So thats it! £1000.00 for a 4k blu-ray player.
Do people still recommend the 9000? Thinking of getting one specifically for its projector settings. I'm currently using a PS5 and Sheild Pro to feed a Sony XW6000 on a large high gain screen.
Do people still recommend the 9000? Thinking of getting one specifically for its projector settings. I'm currently using a PS5 and Sheild Pro to feed a Sony XW6000 on a large high gain screen.
The Panasonic DP-UB820-K $499.99, (439.95 amazon) seems to have the same features for half the price. Build quality is not the same.
@rwwear thanks. I was going to buy the 820, then learned the 9000 has some HDR settings specifically for projectors. Not sure if this is correct but one person indicated you can set a target NIT level for tone mapping.
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@rwwear thanks. I was going to buy the 820, then learned the 9000 has some HDR settings specifically for projectors. Not sure if this is correct but one person indicated you can set a target NIT level for tone mapping.
I'm not sure about that. Have you looked at the Magnetar?

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