Post #214 you made a claim based upon your listening experience, that a turntable with a Panzerholz plinth sounded lifeless despite having a cartridge that you knew from experience to be a lively cartridge. And that the Panzerholz as plinth material was the only real difference.Mark, you state that you are perplexed by much of the thread and write that the "author attributes higher quality to those systems in which ringing or distortion from cabinet and plinth vibration is allowed, even encouraged." The author of this perplexing thread is @tima , not me, and not ddk. Yet you later claim that your post above is not addressing ddk but rather me.
So, since the point you are making is not to the author of the thread, nor is it to ddk, but to me, could you please indicate to which of my posts you are responding? I am trying to follow along so that I can respond, but I do not see what I wrote earlier to cause you to write your post #244 above. You refer in your post #244 to an author, supposedly me, who attributes higher quality to those systems that ring or distort.... You then refer to someone, supposedly me again, who claimed that "they (he) listened to identical systems with one variable, that being Panzerholz in one...."
I do not recall ever attributing "a higher quality to those systems that ring or distort", nor do I recall that I ever claimed to have listened to identical systems with one having Panzerholz and the other spruce. I do not think I have ever heard a component or shelf made of either Panzerholz or of spruce.
I really hope you can be more specific and point out my post on which all of your claims are based. Thank you.
Since the music played on the turntable with Panzerholz sounded lifeless to you, and since Panzerholz is known to suppress extraneous vibrations (eg. “Ringing”), I take from your observation that Ringing, or other distortion coming from a plinth, that hasn’t been dampened with Panzerholz, must be what adds “life” to the music played on such.
Your finding I attributed as “expert opinion”.