very nice article
thorough and informative
I use mine from WaynesAudio in combination with MicroSeiki CU-180 gunmetal mat and a bronze centerweight on my Vikingzilla 13,5kg bronze platter
will test with 32 added weights to the ring as soon as the Norwegian customs release them....
the ring with all weights will be 5,2lbs or 2,3kg
then comes Cu-180 at 2,8kg spindle weight at 1,4 and platter 13,5 so total platter mass will be 20kg
checked and all is good with respect to bearing...
who needs kettlebells?
still a light weight compared to many others, but it´s fascinating how well the mix of metals work
and then my new Ebronzy weight from Stefano is exciting...
will arrive in 10 days or so
I really agree to the reasoning in that article.
One can always argue how large the impact is, and probably the variation in LPs in combination with cantilever geometries are greater than the impact of clamps and rings. But still, a good mat, clamp and ring will probably improve all LP playback, especially to lower high frequency distorsion.