For my Miyajima Zero, I got a Rogue Audio Ares Magnum with a Bob's Blue Cinemag SUT. It has a single mono input(as well as stereo inputs for my stereo tt) and a mono switch upgrade. $3k.....I'm in the process of installing it all now.I'm adding a Miyajima Mono Zero cartridge to my system and have been considering many phonostages. My mono records for the most part in the 60s with a handful of contemporary mono reissues. I've looked at the charts with the AS mono phonostage, and I think I might only have a a few records in those eras if that. So is it still worth having the eq abilities? I really like the Tempo Electric, but it seems far more than I need. My budget is 1-2k, so the Tempo Electric is also outside of that. On the low side, the Bob's Device that would plug into my Herron would be the easiest. I think I could play a stereo record from the MC input of the Herron and then a mono from the MM input. Anything in the middle of these two ideas?
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