So given a free-form choice, how would you phrase yours?
I use a combination of blind, and sighted listening after taking into account measurements.
So given a free-form choice, how would you phrase yours?
Why not choice 2 then?I use a combination of blind, and sighted listening after taking into account measurements.
I use a combination of blind, and sighted listening after taking into account measurements.
I dont think using a whole slew of research and graphs to bludgeon one into a subjective preference is at all valid.. Any subjective preference based research really means nothing to me.. its MY preference that counts.
How do you carry blind tests with your large Soundlabs?
Do you have measurements for them?
Because to say we have proven something, means we don't even understand what it is that has been accomplished. As you see from JA, he also agrees that statistical significance cannot be attached to the results. Yet you think it was "proven?" As I said, you can predict a coin toss 5 out of 5 times. Doing that 10 times in a row gets hard though. That is why we need minimum number of trials. That is, if you want to convince someone who values this type of rigor. If you just want to convince yourself, then sure, why even bother with that test?
Haven't done blind tests with my Soundlabs. Though I wish I could. I have done blind or bypass testing of other components.
Yes, I do have measurements for them. I do use room correction, and it makes for a good improvement.
With all you've done do they measure as well as or better than the M2?
Incidentally I voted #3
I look at reviews for prospects and seeing what music used I might want to buy but mostly entertainment
I look at measurements for probability of utilisation
When DUT is in hand I go through a process of optimisation using listening and log measurements with changes so I can "zero" things of I get lost. This saves time.
Have you carried out unsighted comparisons, can you post the data?
That is a pity, as far as I am aware no one has ever been able to reliably pick an after market power cable in a properly conducted unsighted comparison. I was rather hoping you had conducted your own unsighted trials?
My reading comprehension is pretty good Christian. However, feel free to interpret the OP as you wish.That's the whole point..why pay $100k vs $7k when the specs closely match ? Because it sounds better...not necessarily measuring better.
Our posts crossed. I don't think there is anything to apologize for. Despite my grumpiness about this poll, useful results have been generated. On the debate, it is the nature of spirited one that forces each side to do the best they can to present their case and as a result, great amount of information is presented. This certainly was the case here.If I had spent more time, more thought, and had more experience/knowledge, I would have designed a simpler, binary poll, say,
A: I rely mostly on objective measurements to evaluate speakers
B: I rely mostly on subjective opinion to evaluate speakers
There would still have been some criticism of the poll, I'm sure.
I think the results, however, would still be heavily in favor of subjective opinion, ie actual listening, reading reviews, talking to others, etc. This just seems to be the way reviewers and audiophiles operate for the reasons already discussed. But I understand the importance of measurements. Seeing the measurements and comparing them to what you hear can certainly be helpful in better understanding what a speaker is doing.
Measurements play a vital role in the design of speakers. No one has disputed that. Few have argued that measurements have no use to the reviewer or audiophile. Most of us, it seems, want many sources of information when we are investigating a pair of speakers. And measurements can certainly be a part of the mix.
Frankly, after reading through all three of the threads discussing this topic, I don't see what the controversy is all about. Perhaps it has more to do with how the various positions are presented and the overall tone of the discussion.
There has been a great deal of passion in the discussion the last few days. I have been guilty of that myself, and for this, I hereby apologize to the membership. I think I've learned more about myself and some of the membership than I have anything new about the importance and role of measurements. I'm going to listen to Albinoni's Adagio.
Amir-picking a coin toss correctly is a 50/50 proposition. If you can correctly guess a coin toss 5 out of 5 times, you need to go to Vegas ASAP and play roulette. Just quit after your first 5 correct choices since it can't be repeated.