Audibility has to come before preference. My advice go out and build a preamp kit,voice the unit and then talk about audibility and preference.
We are taking a soundfield that consists of a huge number of points of information, reducing it to 2 variables (for standard stereo) and then reproducing it, using characteristics of the auditory system to help us imagine it's something better than a system missing 99.9% of the actual information in the soundfield (most of which we can not hear, that's a different issue).
Consider, even, the meaning of those two points. Were they pressure, volume velocity, part one and part the other? Even the 2 points, miked by 2 mikes in a minimalist setup, are only capturing 2/8 of the information at even those two points.
So, if something "fills in", how is this bad? Even if it's the color of the grillcloth. Seriously.
Yes, my own preference is for proper multichannel, but we're no nearer to PROPER multichannel for music than we were when the lame-brained Quadriphonics was introduced back when. Until we see a proper understanding that, as shown by Steinburg and Snow in 1933 ?34?, the center speaker is the key, we're still SOL.
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