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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2010
New York City
From the article said:
“The more I learn about grilling, the more old-school something like sous-vide becomes,” he said.


The only other thought that came to mind besides the fact that to me, most anything cooked over a wood fired grill tastes better was that if this gets too popular in today's world? I would actually start to fear for the trees. Especially if McDonald's adopted this kind of cooking.

I hope they have good ventilation/smoke inhalation protection for the line cooks.
We have a wood fired pizza oven and it is a joy to cook in it. You have full view of how everything is cooking. And the flavor cannot be replicated any other way. So I think this is a great trend and idea.

As to Tom's concern, in our case at least, all the wood we use comes from our property. We cut down a number of Alder in our renovation and I use those plus trimmings from our tree. That aspect feels good too :).

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