Hi all.
I'm in the market place for a new mid priced (OK within reason) MC cartridge..
I've drawn up a small list of those in my budget but knowing the difficulties of auditioning cartridges (impossibly so) especially in ones own environment so I thought it may pay to hear some thoughts of you experienced guys. My rig comprises....
Heavily modded LP12 fitted with Audio Orgami PU7 tonearm.
Amplification is Avondale Audio Graduation 1 pre amp with what are basically Avondale S100 mono block power amps all transistor. My phono pre is based on Naim 323 MC (but again Avondale modded) all in a stand alone case locally regulated and fed by an Avondale TPX power supply along with the Grad 1 Pre amp
I'm currently using a DL103 "nuded" and fitted into a Golden age Audio black ebony wood body. This has certainly improved he 103 significantly but now I feel time has come to move up the ladder somewhat.
I have quite an eclectic taste in music including Blues, Jazz, Big Band, Classical, Country, Cajun, Rock and Punk.
So to my list.
Dynavector XX2mk2
Lyra Delos or Skala.
Benz Micro wood SL
Question: what would potentially the best all rounder in your estimation?
My leaning is toward the XX2 as possibly best suiting my tastes.
John R
I'm in the market place for a new mid priced (OK within reason) MC cartridge..
I've drawn up a small list of those in my budget but knowing the difficulties of auditioning cartridges (impossibly so) especially in ones own environment so I thought it may pay to hear some thoughts of you experienced guys. My rig comprises....
Heavily modded LP12 fitted with Audio Orgami PU7 tonearm.
Amplification is Avondale Audio Graduation 1 pre amp with what are basically Avondale S100 mono block power amps all transistor. My phono pre is based on Naim 323 MC (but again Avondale modded) all in a stand alone case locally regulated and fed by an Avondale TPX power supply along with the Grad 1 Pre amp
I'm currently using a DL103 "nuded" and fitted into a Golden age Audio black ebony wood body. This has certainly improved he 103 significantly but now I feel time has come to move up the ladder somewhat.
I have quite an eclectic taste in music including Blues, Jazz, Big Band, Classical, Country, Cajun, Rock and Punk.
So to my list.
Dynavector XX2mk2
Lyra Delos or Skala.
Benz Micro wood SL
Question: what would potentially the best all rounder in your estimation?
My leaning is toward the XX2 as possibly best suiting my tastes.
John R