Your room is similar to my previous room that had 32 feet length. In this room I had the XLF back 6 feet away from the front wall and listening distances comparable to yours.
The wall building technique is a fundamental aspect of speaker placement that few simulators can address - drywall can act as a bass trap, absorbing bass, thick stone walls reflect bass, creating peaks and nulls. My room had 2 feet thick stone walls - a real nightmare.
Microstrip, thanks a lot for the observation about my room. I have known for a long time that my room was a fantastic room for a high-end system, but didn't know about the drywall. I just know my bass and slam are amazing but perfectly balanced to my midrange and treble. My room is a full 40 feet from front wall to rear wall. When I go downstairs for the bathroom below, the amount of bass that I hear downstairs is surprising. It's actually close to what I hear in my listening position, but the quality is quite different. It's muffled. The rear door is always left open to let the bass flow downstairs.
I have almost limitless dynamic range. I would prefer my MC3500's to any of the amps mentioned in this thread. Run off the 2-ohm tap it easily handles the 1.2-ohm minimal impedance of my XVX. It never gets more than slightly warm. McIntosh has been making tube amps since the 1940's. Ron Evans who is the greatest of all the long line of great McIntosh engineers designed it and also designed the MC2.1KW. Both these amps are reasonably priced and will outperform the amps mentioned in this thread,
for their designated responsibilities in my system.
My system sounds like the real thing. It pours forth a beauty that must be heard. I never tire of it. I can't turn it off. I hear something different in the same recordings most of the time when I turn it on. In the Fall when I have money to burn, I would like to replace my HC Hurricane power cord with a HC Firebird even though it will make no sonic difference. And replace my AQ balanced Wind IC with an AQ Firebird balanced IC to my Wilson ActivXO electronic analog subwoofer crossover, which might make a small sonic difference. Then my system will be absolutely finished. Nothing left to do.
p.s. In my "final" installation I specified Hurricane power cords for my new MC2.1KW An but received the much more expensive Firebirds at no extra charge. What could I say? So, I have the old HC Hurricane for one power module and the new Firebird HC power cord for the other. I have a source Firebird cord powering my output module. Firebirds are beautiful cords.
Charles Updated System: Wilson McIntosh Audioquest
Amps: McIntosh: MC3500MKII (2); MC1.25KW (2); MC2.1KW An
Preamp: C-12000 An
Sources: MCD12000 An; MVP881; MVP851; MR87; Marantz 510LV; Lenovo Yoga laptop
Speakers: Wilson Chronosonic XVX
Sub-Woofer: Wilson Thor’s Hammer; Wilson ActivXO Stereo Electronic Crossover
Cables Main System AQ: WEL Signature speaker cables; 24’ balanced IC; balanced 1-meter Dragon IC ; WEL Signature digital, Coffee digital coaxial cables; Diamond optical (2); Diamond USB; Dragon (5 HC, 3 source cords); Thunder & Monsoon power cords
Cables Subwoofer System AQ: Redwood speaker cable; Wolf balanced subwoofer IC; Wind balanced IC to ActivXO; Hurricane HC; Firebird HC; Firebird Source; Dragon HC, power cords
Power Conditioners: AQ Niagara 7000; Niagara 5000 (3); (4) dedicated 20-amp lines.
Isolation: Wilson Pedestals; Bassocontinuo McIntosh Ultra Feet; X-material plinth
Cabinet: Double Custom Woodwork & Design (CWD)
Acoustic Treatments: Room and Echo Tunes