I think I'm going to have the opportunity to audition in-house a Nagra HD pre-amp. This came about just today.
It's going to be a duel to the death (ah, order line) between Aries Cerat Incito S and Nagra HD! One stays; one goes!
So Ron … another of your equipment shoutouts featuring a significant disparity between relative retail price per unit !
Nagra HD @ $65.900 vs Aries Cerat Incito S @ $21,000 .
Somewhere nearer cost parity would take you two levels further up the Aries Cerat line with the Impera II Sig @ $60,000 .
I would hope that in the interests of completeness that you will contact Joshua and arrange with him to borrow his Aries Cerat Virgo Legend ? which would be somewhere in keeping with your RRP ratio with the Nagra HD @ $65,900 vs the Virgo @ $ 155.000 .
The build quality of the Nagra appears to be exemplary, btw … as one might expect .
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