As you described it. There are lines that most of us don't cross. Those are clearly, who I was making reference to.when posters talk about what they hear in their system, there are so many variables at play that drive response types. in this case with Ron, he has been in very heavy investigation mode in his 'new' system, and mostly invited critiques. so Ron has hardened his bunker to withstand the barrage of advice, comments, sift through them for some useful actionable advice. and we see him use some of it already.
and i think Ron enjoys, as i enjoy, discussion of his system. we are all mostly like that. it's a part of the hobby that is satisfying.
sharp teeth and daggers might contain some insights too. personally when i built my room, then discussed my progress for 10 years, lots of times feedback was painful....and i was in denial. but eventually my brain did process and consider it, and it helped me to move forward. mostly. there are lines most of us don't cross.
i view the process as healthy. obviously it's up to the system owner posting about their system to suggest their appetite for critical comments. the community is typically gentle with newer posters. we try to be encouraging. i asked for blunt comments, mostly i got bouquets. but over time i did get more direct unfiltered comments. and glad i did. we are all human and like to hear nice things. and our systems are personal.
normal stuff.
I don't picture of Ron as thin skinned and afraid of someones response. I believe he has invested to much time and thought in his project for that.
My comment, was related to what appears to be those that seem to never have much good to say about things.
At times, someone will ask if they can make a suggestion about my system. I always say, sure as long as your don't care if I ignore it.