That is surely going to be and amazing Music room alright Ron-kudos to the thought and effort it will be something else I'm certain
If I may add a suggestion that may --or not be of some assistance on your existing choice of Floor.
In the distant past I was tasked with setting up a Pair of X-1 Slamms in a residence in Laurel Canyon Boulevard--with highly polished Floors
The lady( read Dragon!) of the house made it perfectly clear my G**nads would be garters if I so much as hairline marked the Floor
I felt the Wilson Castors would be out of the question and too big risk so here's my take and what I decided was the best course of action
Fluffy Bathmats-- the shaggy pinkies with the "Rubberised" bottoms-- I placed the disassembled units on each of ones these --with the Fluffy side
DOWN and the Rubberside UP
So reassembled Speakers now sit on the RUBBER with the Fluffy on the Floor and can be slid smoothly and silently around.--
I found much easier rather than the castors plus no tyremarks/etc and piece of cake to set with the Spikes(then)-simply tilt Speaker slightly
push Mat under out of way of spike placement-- with bases of course--same on other side. I found it worked very well.
Just thought may be a consideration.
Anyway I lived to fight another day--
Good Listening,