We have progress today on the electrical infrastructure front, thanks to top quality design and installation by Tony Cosko of Calcoast Construction and Barry Romo of LBR Electric!
There are two separate chemical grounds: one vertical ground, and a three element horizontal ground. Each ground can be connected separately to the sub-panel, or they can be connected together to the sub-panel.
We're going to start by connecting the grounds together to the sub-panel.
Some of those are for "dirty" outlets. The front wall of the listening room has one 240VAC circuit and two 120VAC circuits. The side wall of the equipment room has one 240VAC circuit and two 120VAC circuits.
Looks like it’s coming along Nicely. You certainly have exhibited extreme patience during this build... more so than I could ever manage. You will certainly reap the rewards of your well thought out planning, even with the gardener doing the wiring..
I really look forward to seeing those large four speaker towers at the front wall of your walnut encased listening room. I also suspect the two Nothing Racks with the AS 2000 will be a sight to behold.
Thelma Houston live in Beverly Hills performing for Ron and Tinka. Lola sitting there quietly wondering why she doesn’t see a person in the room.
Elsewhere in the trivial news, I can't figure out why I ever thought the interconnect length between the VTL preamp and the far Gryphon bass tower would be 55 feet or more.
I now think that run is bit under 50 feet, so at least I won't have to order a completely wacky, non-standard length of interconnects.
Some of those are for "dirty" outlets. The front wall of the listening room has one 240VAC circuit and two 120VAC circuits. The side wall of the equipment room has one 240VAC circuit and two 120VAC circuits.
Looking very good there Ron--progress certainly takes it time
Am I correct unassuming the orange plate is for the 240 V receptacles-- is it not a condition in the US to change the + polarity for this?
Coming along well!
Opus 1 on Bergmann Odin: Cardas Clear Beyond XL or MasterBuilt Ultra, DIN to XLR
ZYX UNIverse Premium on SME 3012R: captive SME cable (RCA) from DDK
Grado Epoch3 on Reed 5T: MasterBuilt Ultra (RCA or XLR TBD)
MasterBuilt Ultra XLR
I have to find a manufacturer of very low capacitance balanced interconnects who can guarantee that at a length of 50 feet the capacitance measured across the two active conductors of each cable will be extremely close in value (i.e., the capacitance maeasured across the two active conductors in the left cable will match the capacitance measured across the two active conductors in the right cable); that the capacitance to shield of each cable is very low; and that the loop inductance of both cables will measure as being extremely close in value.
Initially I am going to purchase several pairs of Mogami 2791, with XLR connectors, and keep the cables which measure the most similarly on the above parameters.
Initially I am going to use Mogami 2791 XLR.
Absolute Fidelity or MasterBuilt Ultra
low current applications: DDK NOS Ching Chengs
high current applications: DPS 4.1 Marty Special Edition or Cardas Clear Beyond XL or MasterBuilt Ultra