Balanced? Can you imagine what a 50 foot balanced pair of the new Nordost Gold cables would cost?
Not necessarily, it depends on the electronics. Personally I prefer SE over the additional circuitry and transformers associated with balanced.I think for 50 feet the interconnects probably should be balanced. At shorter lengths I would prefer single-ended.
Gryphons and VTLs are true-balanced.
Oh, you get a "discounted" rate on each extra foot. Look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves.Balanced? Can you imagine what a 50 foot balanced pair of the new Nordost Gold cables would cost?
Not necessarily, it depends on the electronics. Personally I prefer SE over the additional circuitry and transformers associated with balanced.
Personally, Ron, I still think that at some point when all is nearly settled in, it would be interesting to hear what happens when you put all-out-assault-serious-air-moving subs expertly setup to drive your system further (from 27-32hz down). First, expertly set up at that frequency level, I can imagine discontinuity of cone vs planar will be much more difficult to discern...and it will be more about raw frequency/phase/volume adjustment finetuning and room interaction.I think these are all very fair and legitimate questions and concerns. I agree these are potential problems...
...3) A full range planar without dynamic driver cone support and "oomph" of some kind does not give me the realism and power and density I want in the lower midrange/upper bass frequency range. Thus a full range electrostatic does not work for me.
4) I think subwoofer integration is more likely to be successful when it is designed into the original system than when it is grafted on afterwards with external subwoofers. (For example, four column system (Evolution Acoustics MM7, Gryphon Kodo) versus REL "six-pack.")
5) If I actually experience a sonic discontinuity between the Gryphon amplifier in the bass tower and my choice of amplifier for the ribbon panel the answer simply is to replace the latter with a Gryphon amplifier. This is an easy swap. (The one component shoot-out I look forward to conducting someday is to compare to my first amplifier choice of high power, push-pull tubes a Gryphon amplifier on the one end of the amplifier spectrum and a high power SET amplifier on the other end of the amplifier spectrum.)
Every time I have compared balanced to signal ended, balanced sounded better.i used unbalanced for many years but once I went balanced there’s no return.Ron is caving to paranoia. Unless you hear a problem then SE is fine at that distance. Both can be tried semi easily.
But I can see a lot of audiophile staying up at night concerned the boogeyman is somehow doing something bad so they'd switch to balanced even if there was no auditory concern.
Not necessarily, it depends on the electronics. Personally I prefer SE over the additional circuitry and transformers associated with balanced.
If a amplifier is fully balanced from input to output than balanced will definitely sound better No matter the length.
Personally, Ron, I still think that at some point when all is nearly settled in, it would be interesting to hear what happens when you put all-out-assault-serious-air-moving subs expertly setup to drive your system further (from 27-32hz down). First, expertly set up at that frequency level, I can imagine discontinuity of cone vs planar will be much more difficult to discern...and it will be more about raw frequency/phase/volume adjustment finetuning and room interaction.
As for air movement, having spent a little time thinking about this and speaking with people who have heard multiple kinds of setups, I do think that there is something to be said for effortless, serious air movement at those levels in terms of pure spacial cues...sense of hall, ambiance, the surround of the jazz club...for me, the sense of that which we have (there is more that is achievable, but it is already palpable in our system) is not something I would wish to go without.
You no doubt will already have this with your ever in this hobby...the question is whether adding something serious to your already sensational system will take you even further.
How can this be an absolute maxim? David is correct that balanced requires additional circuitry and transformers.
Ron is caving to paranoia. Unless you hear a problem then SE is fine at that distance. . . .
Well . . . there are a lot of LED ceiling lights, Lutron dimmers, automatic night lights and wi-fi floating around the listening room
Sound quality!Um, Ron’s preamp, amp and woofer tower amp are all balanced amplifiers. Why would you not use a balanced cable? Let alone 2 x 50’ of interconnect.
Dimmers are evil noise makers, but it's on the AC lines, not in the air.
I use mcintosh pre and power amplifiers and they are fully balanced.I noticed a big improvement going to fully balanced interconnects after years of using single ended rca.I was even told this by the dealer that all mcintosh sounds better fully your case it might be different Ron.How can this be an absolute maxim? David is correct that balanced requires additional circuitry and transformers.
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