Sablon Prince and King power cords - Enhanced 2025 version

Sablon Audio

Industry Expert, VIP Donor
May 22, 2015
Nothing stands still in this life. This observation is equally true of audiophile wires, with new models using different features surfacing regularly. Unsurprisingly, I try to keep abreast of the latest offerings, though few impress. Step changes don’t happen very often and are harder to achieve from an already high level of performance. Occasionally though, one might inspire me sufficiently to revise my model range. A recent example was the Evo signal cabling almost 3 years ago, however, this particular wire was less successful in power cords and the existing models soldiered on unchanged.

Sablon power cords have always followed a specific development path, with the emergence of progressively better-sounding connectors being adopted with larger wire cross-sectional area until the wire itself becomes a limiting factor. This approach reached its apex with the palladium-plated Bocchino plugs, both for sound quality and gauge handling capacity. A new wire has emerged, which I will now incorporate for new orders and also offer a retrofittable upgrade path for owners of existing Prince / King models.

Sonically, this new wire has a more vivid and structured presentation, with a richer organic tonality. Ambient midrange detail is enhanced, without losing any of the immersive musical presentation for which Sablon cables are renowned. These qualities are equally evident on each of my Taiko Extreme, Lampizator dac and Riviera amplifier.

Details are on the Sablon website and demo models will be made available. Concessionary upgrade pricing will be available to those who originally bought their cords from me.

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