This conversation really has me thinking about trying to biamp my system again. I never spent much time trying to figure out why my dartzeel roared a fault when I had the SET 845 attached to the other drivers. I can only assume the ground issues in the 845 are being carried through the signal cable, to my preamp and coupling to the dartzeel causing a distortion in that amp.
FWIW, after I put a 4.5 KVA wall mount Torus in my basement, my Black Shadow 845 that are really no longer a Black Shadow perform at a much higher level. The distortion on the power line were really messing with that amp. I have had them in the system for about a month. I put the Dartzeel back in one day but took it right back out. The SET is much more exciting, even with its midrange bump. The Dartzeel is far more calm and quiet. Its way more balanced in a good way. But it lacks some sort of life, may it be artificial or not, the 845 brings.