Now in my own words:
AI does not think for you but rather is a tool that you can use to collate information, test the validity of your argument or thought, and better communicate your ideas to a target audience. Going forward, there will be two kinds of humans: those who understand and use AI, and everyone else. The “everyone else” side will find themselves at an increasing disadvantage.
For the record, I am using AI now to radically accelerate the evolution of Synergistic Research technologies I pioneered over the past 30 years. Now, when a new product is launched, it’s not a next-gen evolution; it’s five or six generations advanced because we’re able to leapfrog from one generation to the next, extrapolating our data, testing against art in non-related fields that may correlate to what we’ve been doing in-house, and ultimately, dramatically moving the ball forward in terms of our products’ performance. Ultimately, all of this serves one purpose: to improve subjective outcomes for our products—the most human thing possible.
Again, AI is not a magic eight ball; it won’t make an idiot intelligent, but it will make a highly intelligent person a genius, and a genius an Albert Einstein or Nikola Tesla.