Thanks for the honest reply
a short story
At my place in nyc my property has a lot of roof top space
About 2500 square feet.
years ago like 15 or so solar had a big push
I have soo much area I could have enough to power my shop and both 3 family houses
I never did as quickly as the utility company was willing to buy back they stoped.
I never did solar installs directly but did have a small crew doing them as a side project
what I did do was micro installs of energy systems
in short large factories and apartment buildings have large boilers
the generators was to use the extra power to make power and sell it to the utility company
This too stoped fast.
solar does not work financially unless the utility company charges high kilowatt hours cost
but even if you bought your own and it was the type that makes electric and hot water now it’s useful.
very few people in cheaper kilo watt areas have it.
now I am fine for anyone to use them I’m not one to make comments on carbon footprint stuff.
there use for audio equipment makes sense
To me any noise produced is high freq hash. way above our hearing and I think stops at the power supply for a few reasons
ralph can make comments on this.
if using solar panels makes sense then its great.
a short story
At my place in nyc my property has a lot of roof top space
About 2500 square feet.
years ago like 15 or so solar had a big push
I have soo much area I could have enough to power my shop and both 3 family houses
I never did as quickly as the utility company was willing to buy back they stoped.
I never did solar installs directly but did have a small crew doing them as a side project
what I did do was micro installs of energy systems
in short large factories and apartment buildings have large boilers
the generators was to use the extra power to make power and sell it to the utility company
This too stoped fast.
solar does not work financially unless the utility company charges high kilowatt hours cost
but even if you bought your own and it was the type that makes electric and hot water now it’s useful.
very few people in cheaper kilo watt areas have it.
now I am fine for anyone to use them I’m not one to make comments on carbon footprint stuff.
there use for audio equipment makes sense
To me any noise produced is high freq hash. way above our hearing and I think stops at the power supply for a few reasons
ralph can make comments on this.
if using solar panels makes sense then its great.