It's not the type of music we listen to @'s the live music we assist it Opera, Orchestral, Choral, Classical Chamber, Jazz, Blues, Rock, ...
The first original post of this thread says it all...nothing is going to change that...nothing. This is sparta, what a lovely day, it's the real presence of live music, it's the experience of being the performer, or the witness, it's there more than here, more than anywhere else except in the now, live.
Classical music (Opera) is the ultimate human expression @ the highest level...the human chords, the human voice @ its peak.
Blues singers they're cool too, just not to the grandiose level as Opera singers. Rock the Rolling Stones, or Nirvana, or Led Zeppelin, or Black Sabbath with Ozzy, or AC/DC, ... lol far away from the deep emotional impact of the best Opera bands; figure of speech...I mean the Tenor, the Soprano male and female singers, the Opera virtuoso/maestros.
Nothing compares to Operas and Chorales. ...The human voices of the angels, the repertoire of the human range of vocal chords @ the highest emotional level.
That's my opinion, and I still love Blues & Jazz singers (males and females). ...Live, or dive.