Stenheim Reference Ultime two vs Zellaton Reference

Earlier you asked for some other speaker names/recommendations -- have you considered the Marten Coltrane Quintet or the Tidal Audio Akira loudspeakers? (Somewhat similar price range area as the Zellaton Ultra Reference, maybe a bit less.) It has been a few years since I've heard each, but my recollection is that these produce tremendously beautiful music. Of course, the other variables will matter (as others have stated: room, associated amplification and sources) and might possibly throw shade on what I remember, but are you able to travel a short distance to hear the sound quality that these brands can produce? If I had the coin to spend today these two speakers would be on my short list to find and hear again.

There are so many great manufacturers and I don't want to get too spread out and limit myself to a limited number of options
WBF member Marty has them!

WBF member pk_LA had them!

These are three great dynamic driver loudspeakers.

Have you considered Von Schweikert?

Have you considered Rockport?
Both speakers are great, but they have a rear port and require a long distance from the rear wall to get the best out of them

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