Mike, can you do me a big favour? Try and describe the qualitative differences of adding the Troy Elite to your system versus adding the Tana.
I don’t mean how it sounds w the Tana in and then the Elite on Trinias. I mean the specific upstick in going to Elite for the first time, and that of going to Tana for the first time.
I’m sure we’re all interested, but I’m particularly intrigued since Entreq has suddenly weaved it’s magic again in my system in the last week, on top of Stacores transforming my sound, but I cannot afford both Stacores AND Troy, and I’ve made strategic decision to go in deep w Stacore.
So, how do these transformative tweaks, Elite and Tana, compare and contrast? Which seems to really dig deepest, remove most veils, max out communication, tone and sheer immersion and enjoyability of music playback?
I’m not looking for a ranking, just how they fit in the grand scheme.