M 15 A is a more reliable ( what they say ) machine /cheaper to run , i ve got both Studer A 80 and the telefunken , the studer is a more complex machine
I would definetively buy the telefunken , easy to use sounds great and not that expensive , the studer " might" sound slightly better not sure , ma ybe i ll go compare again this weekend
Both have the tape sound , the best tapes i have at home were /are mastertapes done buy the studer B 62 and with the M 15 A .
Basf and agfa gevaert and old broadcast tapes.
Studer B 62 sounds the best i think , a bit more snappy , could be the construction .
A recording engineer told me he preferred the telefunken as a workhorse due to reliability issues with the studer , the telefunken has also " glass" heads which dont wear , supposely sound worse the studer heads , not sure about that .
At least in my system.
Ps May be my system aint transparent enough . or i m deaf