I hope the *learning* about the hobby never stops.
amen amirm ahem (haha bit of rapping as I type)
applying it.
It is not the usual audiophile way tho, to them (and very apropos to this thread) it is the 'latest and greatest', ie SWAP a piece of kit.
Are we to say that is wrong? It is the bread and butter of the industry, the turnover needs to happen, else the industry would die.
Yep, than that audiophile gets on the net armed, with what he thinks is knowledge, then the fights happen.
I don't particularly consider a magpie knowledgable. Sure, he has collected many a pretty object over the years for his nest, but a magpie only picks what looks good to him really.
I am always on the lookout for something I've never considered before, something I can try and see whether or not it works
for me. Most, I find, are there simply to pick and choose whatever little tidbit they can that backs up their
pre existing viewpoint.
Having an argument on the net about audio? Well then, do a google search to find someone else's opinion that you agree with, then use that to back up your case.
Human nature. Ever gone and borrowed a book from the library and find some other (arrogant...as if we think his opinions are worthwhile) borrower has underlined passges or made comments in the margins?? They are either things he already agrees with or things he already strongly disagrees with. In other words, he is NOT reading the book to see where the arguments lead, so he can evaluate the argument or possibly find new ways of thinking about things.
I LOVE the new viewpoint, the things I had never considered before. They are the source of enjoyment and satisfaction for me, to have learned something new. To see a familiar old thing in a completely new light.
Early days yet, depending on what I find out soon, but I think I am going to give a very big thankyou to DonH50 for an insight he gave yesterday, been checking it out last night and boy, am I excited!!!!
Yep, things like that are pure gold.