The End Of A 35 Year Journey ---Zellaton -The Reference Ultra Final Frontier

Patrick, in 14 years with ZELLATON I’ve never advised on a sub, as no sub imho can match the speed and articulation of the Podzsus sandwich foam membrane. Further….., the quality of bass in ZELLATON speakers obviates the need for subs.
Hello Gideon, John here, we spoke several months ago regarding the Auditorium Speakers in NC. These Reference Ultra's look exquisite! No doubt Steve will be over the moon when he gets them. This is quite interesting. In a large open concept/non symmetrical room, I have never heard any speaker that doesn't benefit from subwoofers, when implemented correctly. Even the mighty Arrakis. I certainly could understand for example a room 12 X 12 X 10H. I'm talking over 15K cubic feet. My room is 30 X 26 X 26H (9/12 pitch) with an open loft, not a conventional listening space...
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Hello Gideon, John here, we spoke several months ago regarding the Auditorium Speakers in NC. These Reference Ultra's look exquisite! No doubt Steve will be over the moon when he gets them. This is quite interesting. In a large open concept I have never heard any speaker that doesn't benefit from subwoofers, when implemented correctly. Even the mighty Arrakis. I certainly could understand for example a room 12 X 12 X 10H. I'm talking over 15K cubic feet. My room is 30 X 26 X 26H (9/12 pitch) with an open loft, not a conventional listening space...
The best place for a speaker in a room is usually not the best place when it comes to low frequency.
integrating a subwoofer into a stereo system (in the right place) can help address acoustics room problems by producing low-frequency sound waves that counteract the standing waves, echo, and resonance.
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Hello Gideon, John here, we spoke several months ago regarding the Auditorium Speakers in NC. These Reference Ultra's look exquisite! No doubt Steve will be over the moon when he gets them. This is quite interesting. In a large open concept I have never heard any speaker that doesn't benefit from subwoofers, when implemented correctly. Even the mighty Arrakis. I certainly could understand for example a room 12 X 12 X 10H. I'm talking over 15K cubic feet. My room is 30 X 26 X 26H (9/12 pitch) with an open loft, not a conventional listening space...
To add to what John has said, he and I both agree with subs generally and that includes the remarkable Rockport does Arnie who owns them and runs the migty REL 6-pack with them...where they roll off above 27hz I believe.

It is all system and room dependent...where Steve's room particularly come into well as personal taste. But for me, the Velodyne DD18+ set to roll off around 35hz-37hz is something I would not wish to do without...17' x 42' x 11'...simply to create that sense of venue and foundational the piano-is-bolted-to-the-floor-in-your-living-room sense.
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Congratulations Steve - nice to see that after 35 years in the hobby you are still able to make big changes!

I have always admired Zellaton - in fact in the 90's I owned the Pawel/Ensemble PA-1 silver speakers using Zellaton units - and as you say their medium is as close as as electrostatic as dynamic speakers can go. A good friend and frequent visitor often refers to the voice of Jose Carreras singing Bernstein West Side Story played through these speakers - a moving experience.
Congratulations Steve - nice to see that after 35 years in the hobby you are still able to make big changes!

I have always admired Zellaton - in fact in the 90's I owned the Pawel/Ensemble PA-1 silver speakers using Zellaton units - and as you say their medium is as close as as electrostatic as dynamic speakers can go. A good friend and frequent visitor often refers to the voice of Jose Carreras singing Bernstein West Side Story played through these speakers - a moving experience.
What is interesting with the top Zellaton speakers is that also the tweeter (interestingly a cone) and the woofers are also made from the same materials as the midrange. The voicing is therefore uniform over the whole frequency range and quite transparent. Their original driver based reference series is one of the very few straight cone/dome speakers that I really like the sound. I didn't like nearly as much the Plural Evos, which use a different material for the tweeter and don't sound nearly as transparent, IMO.

The new Ultras are using the same material again, top-to-bottom, but is quite different from the original driver material. I would expect a different signature but again a very uniform one.

The big Acoustats I used to own (and your Soundlabs) have the same uniformity from top-to-bottom due to the same driver material being used throughout the frequency range. That coherence is hard to beat as you know...and Zellaton has done a nice trick getting all drivers to speak with one signature.
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Thanks Steve for sharing your journey. I’m genuinely thrilled - even when I don’t know the person - when an audiophile achieves his version of nirvana. Many of us in this hobby have worked very hard over many decades to provide good lives for our families, so it’s wonderful to hear the enthusiasm in your voice describing the past few months’ part of your adventure.

As for your colour choice, two big thumbs up. I’m fortunate to own a 1995 Porsche 911, which featured Adventurine Green as one of the colour options when it was released. Alas, they are quite rare and I bought my car used. I couldn’t find one in this color that matched my requirements, but it was my first pick. Well done! Gloss black is the “safe” choice but not my cup of tea.
Have not heard with mine but Emile in Holland is driving his with tubes and I was told there are some users driving theirs with as little as 20 wpc tube amps

Big congratulations Steve, I cannot wait to hear these in your Room with the Lamms.

I'm indeed driving mine (reference mk2) with "low power" tube amps, being the Trafomatic Elysiums, specified at "Class A 20W, Class A1 20-70W". This in what you could consider a large room at 13*26*46 ft and I can play them louder then I need/want to. They are incredible revealing, as an example, you can not only very clearly hear the decoupling material/type you use for your speaker cabling, but also their positions. It's absolutely worth it to pay attention to every single detail when setting these up, even those you'd normally ignore.
Patrick, in 14 years with ZELLATON I’ve never advised on a sub, as no sub imho can match the speed and articulation of the Podzsus sandwich foam membrane. Further….., the quality of bass in ZELLATON speakers obviates the need for subs.

I would indeed think it will be very difficult to successfully integrate subwoofers with these, at least not without significant concessions to quality. Perhaps infra subwoofers with something like a 48dB slope at 20Hz.
Emile...I am so happy that you have joined the discussion. There is never a post of yours where I dont learn something new.Can you help elaborate on this comment

It's absolutely worth it to pay attention to every single detail when setting these up, even those you'd normally ignore.

I was also fascinated about this comment which I would like to hear further comments
you can not only very clearly hear the decoupling material/type you use for your speaker cabling, but also their positions.
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@Steve Williams: Steve, I suspect these speakers are going to be soooo frigging good in your system!!!
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I would indeed think it will be very difficult to successfully integrate subwoofers with these, at least not without significant concessions to quality. Perhaps infra subwoofers with something like a 48dB slope at 20Hz.
Have you tried? Please share your experience.
Not necessary Patrick. The bass on these speakers is pretty remarkable. I can’t recall ever seeing Zellaton showing with the aid of subs. Nor do I think owners who are members here employ subs. You’ll come have a listen and youlll decide. You have some preconceived notions

Every system I've heard was / can be bettered by subs. It's not about low frequency capability; it's about managing room modes. In fact, larger / more woofers exacerbate the situation.

Every system I've heard was / can be bettered by subs. It's not about low frequency capability; it's about managing room modes. In fact, larger / more woofers exacerbate the situation.
I appreciate your feedback but even Emile this morning said he doesn’t need them and not necessary. If Zellaton felt they were necessary I bet they would be making them.

of course everyone should do as they choose but I’ve discovered that MOST ZELLATON owners are purists for that coherent ZELLATON quality with no additions.
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Cutout photo as the room is currently a mess ;) Will take/post a full room photo when I get a chance to clean up a bit!
Emile, the Elysium is a very special set of monoblocks. They look terrific alongside the Zellatons. We will bring a pair to the US soon so folks on this side of the Atlantic can hear them. Steve, Sasa has a new amplifier underway that you will have to listen to against your Lamm's:)
It was a long time ago in a Galaxy far away when my audiophile journey began. Ive been in this hobby now for probably more years than the age of most readers of this thread. Over the years I have owned many, many different speakers but about 35 years ago I developed a fixation for Wilson Audio and started with their current model the Watt Puppy 5.1. Early in that part of my involvement in this hobby my electronics were all solid state and I was heavily invested in Krell as I found myself working my way up their product line until I owned the Krell 750 Mcx mono blocks. These amps over the years drove the Watt Puppy 5.1, Watt Puppy 6, MAXX series l, X1 series ll, and when I graduated to the Wilson X2, series l , is when my system evolved into tubes when I then owned Audio Research Reference 600 Mk ll and then a big change when I was introduced to Lamm Technologies and I could not go back. I first owned Lamm ML 2.1 and finally graduated to the Lamm Signature series approximately 15 years ago and that is where I stand today. After the Wilson X2 Series l , I graduated to the present (but now discontinued) Wilson X2 Alexandria series ll which have occupied the foundation of my sound system for the past 13-14 years. Together with my Lamm Signature series electronics I have been in hog's heaven and have resisted all desires to make any changes. Countless visitors over the years have visited me and heard the iterations in my system and most have come away very pleased and enthusiastic about my system. I knew that my speakers have been archived by Wilson but I have never had a problem in their reliability. My tube electronics have likewise endured the test of time and I have posted on WBF countless times that I will never sell my Lamm gear and that it will be buried with me.

Several years ago after attending a few audio shows, I heard several speakers which caught my attention and this created an itch that I have been scratching these past few years. Initially those speakers which I liked , upon further review and discussion with the manufacturers showed sadly that my Lamm gear could not drive them. As stated this for me was a prerequisite should I ever buy new speakers

So before I do this big unveil, I'd like to post some bullet points as to what caused me to go now in the new path which I have chosen. I call it "My New Reference, The Ultra Frontier"

Enter the Zellaton Plural EVO a speaker which is gaining huge notoriety by so many well established audiophiles. I consider Myles Astor to be IMHO one of the best and most credible reviewers in the business today. Myles has always had great systems put together with great thought. Myles now is a proud owner of the Plural Evo and I give great credence to his thoughts and posts elsewhere

I've known Mike Malinowski for many years when he too was an owner of the Wilson Alexandria X2 and had a system built around it to die for. Mike and I years ago would often share emails with suggestions for one another. Mike is now the proud owner of the Zellaton flagship , the Statement, and his postings, in particular here, has caught my attention . For those interested, you can catch it here

I also read with great interest review on Mono and Stereo about the virtues of the Zellaton Statement by Matej Isak who now owns the Reference Mk ll

Suffice it to say the Statement occupied top tier of my lust after speakers but my anxiety was such that my Lamm ML3 amp would not be sufficient to drive them. This plus the fact that I felt they would overload my room even if my amps could drive them. I then developed interest in the Zellaton Reference Mk ll and was pleased to discover that my amp would indeed drive this speaker. I began further due diligence and enter Gideon Schwartz from Audio Arts in NYC. Over the past few months I feel I have delved full speed into everything Zellaton to make an informed choice should I make a change. Along the way I discovered a new Zellaton series called "ULTRA" and the Zellaton Reference Ultra which literally looked identical to the Reference Mk ll in size, weight

This caused many further discussions with Gideon and I learned that the Reference Ultra was a far more advanced speaker in every way when compared to the Reference Mk ll. Sadly however this came at a much higher cost. So I am just back from a 2 day whirlwind trip to NYC to visit Gideon and to have a look and listen to Zellaton. My enthusiasm has grown , due to visits and talks with prominent people owning Zellaton. This resulted in me auditioning and hearing ….., resulting in validation of everything I diligently researched over these past many months . I heard a speed, transparency, uniformity and unbelievable beauty that I did not know could all coexist. And it was this experience which moved me to submit my order…., still feeling the goosebumps I'm exhausted but also feeling exhilarated in my decision to move forward.

Factors however about the Reference Ultra which caught my attention and to which I found difficult to put out of my mind were the following.....

1. The fit and finish was shockingly so far beyond the competition…, more like a vintage Maybach

2. The Reference Ultra had a natural Quad like sound to which I found myself gravitating, as I have changed the setting of all the upper modules of my Wilson speakers such that one does not need to be in the sweet spot to enjoy but now everyone in my room found the speaker set up enjoyable to their ears wherever they sat. There no longer is a sweet spot in my room which is totally alien to the Wison philosophy.

3. Along the way I have found and developed great trust in the knowledge of Gideon and have come to find that everything he has told me has rung true. This trust factor is paramount and Gideon has little doubt that not only will my amps drive the Reference Ultra but it would also sound spectacular as he knew my amps very well and has heard them in his travels many times. It is this trust which kindled my ongoing desire to find a happy ending to this otherwise long and probably boring story.

4. I became a real believer in Zellaton drivers and tweeter as I found they are all of the same construction and material which thus contributes to a uniform "electrostatic quality" that only Zellaton can boast about

5. I was also most interested to learn about the Zellaton crossover which is done exclusively by Frederich of Dueland in Denmark to work hand in hand with Zellaton to produce proprietary crossover parts specifically for only Zellaton

6. I was also reassured by many people that my 32 wpc pure class A Lamm ML3 mono blocks would be a great match for the Reference Ultra

7. Over the past few months there have been many members posting thoughts about Zellaton speakers and drivers and I went to school on their putt. Of huge interest its the fact that Emile Bok of Taiko Audio has Zellaton speakers in his sound room and told me he considers them amongst the best if not the best speaker he has ever owned

8. Finally even though Im not a big fan of You Tube videos on sound systems there have been two which caught my eye and seemed to put the icing on the cake

So for me, a 35 year of a love for Wilson Audio and everything it has given me and which I will always be thankful and will never forget. I have now embarked upon

"My New Reference, The Ultra Frontier"

The order has been placed and sadly the wait is just about 4 months as these speakers are hand crafted from top to bottom in every detail

The speakers are typically in black and every speaker I have ever owned has been in black so for this last part of my journey, I fell for the color of those speakers shown in the video above filmed at Munich this year

I ordered my pair in exactly the same color which is a Premium for Porsche Aventurine Green along with a special order of chrome rather tag black rings surrounding the drivers. So what you see in the video above is the exact speaker with I ordered.

I wish to thank everyone whose head and ears I have bent over these past 4-6 months and especially Gideon who has imbued me with the trust to make such a profound change in my system at this time of my life

So there it is. The End Of A 35 Year Journey ---Zellaton, My Newteve, Reference, The Ultra Frontier
Steve, congratulations on your new adventure with Zellaton. As you know, I had my own experience with Zells a while back. Ultimately, my affection for top-end loudspeakers landed closer to home, but I certainly enjoyed my time with them. Great color, by the way!

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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