Why can't I do that Mike? I can only go by what I've heard and to date I've never come across a file player I liked. You wouldn't believe for the past how many years I'm told that I must hear the greatest latest server because the last generation had this and that issue but at the time I was told that they were the greatest until they weren't in the blink of any eye. Then it was the file type, then the interface, then sampling method, then the hardware, then firmware and software and now back to the beginning again. Over the last 4 years aside from my in home experiences I must have heard at least 3 dozen systems using very expensive top rated dacs with various file servers there was not one that I found even tolerable and the owners with decent transports all agreed. I'll change my mind about the hardware the day I hear a file player that doesn't absolutely suck to me, but right now they all are what they are. Unlike analog certain things are fixed in the digital world even with digital photography. I used to take pains in picking the camera with the right sensor to couple to tha lens with special drawing qualities and then which program to develop the raw files in, on and on and on to get it right, the same effort I used to put in with film. On the screen I can still see the value of some of my efforts but when it comes to the actual prints an inkjet is an inkjet is an inkjet and it doesn't make any difference besides lens perspective if I use the phone or the 80 megapixel medium format camera. But I can take that same digital file create a transparency and develop the picture in a traditional darkroom and transform it. A file player/server is that inkjet printer to me, it doesn't matter if it's a Canon, Epson or Fuji aside from some tonal differences the end prints are all basically the same. What I get from a good transport is the same thing I get by taking the digital transparency and bringing it to life in a different process, I enjoy what I hearing and there are even moments that I forge I'm listening to a system.
you can do what you want, and I can disagree if I want. you can feel you have done sufficient investigations, and I can say baloney, you have not.
I have no illusions for you to ever change your mind on anything, nor is it necessary. and same for my own opinions. I do get the photo analogy, but don't agree with the end result analogy since I reject the ultimate truths you are assigning to discs and files. not how I hear it. I accept it is how you hear it.
with all due respect, of course.